Scoop FULL COVERAGE of Rugby World Cup Stadium

Published: Mon 13 Nov 2006 10:30 AM
Scoop FULL COVERAGE of Rugby World Cup Stadium

Sport News: Govt Details Why It Prefers Waterfront Stadium
- Minister for the Rugby World Cup Trevor Mallard today announced that following a review of stadium options for Auckland the government has a strong preference for a national stadium on Auckland’s CBD waterfront. See... Waterfront stadium is government preference

ALSO Video:
Here is an animation video of the proposed stadium courtesy of Warren and Mahoney architects. See... Video: Animation Of Proposed Waterfront Stadium Maori Party - Maori Party Disgusted at Govt Failure To ConsultACT New Zealand - The Great White Whale On Auckland's WaterfrontGreens - City of Sails - not Stadium CityNoMoreRates.Com - No Ratepayer Funding for Stadium Auckland City - Auckland CC welcomes waterfront stadium preferenceTourism Industry Association - ‘Tourism taxes’ disastrous for Auckland – TIAMotel Association - Bed Tax!Eden Park - Eden Park optimistic, wants robust evaluationHotel Council - Stadium tax threatens jobs and businessesNZ First - Stadium Needs Cast-Iron GuaranteesAuckland Heart of the City - Stadium Steps in Right DirectionNo More Rates - Stadium Non-Decision Leaves Ratepayers GuessingNoMoreRates.Com - It Must be North Harbour StadiumAuckland Councillors - Carlaw Park Option Must Be Put On TableThe Letter Limited - The Letter – Monday, 13 November 2006
Scoop Full Coverage
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