Public Address 30/11/06 - That's A Nice Metaphor

Published: Tue 31 Oct 2006 11:49 AM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 30/11/06 - That's a Nice Metaphor
Playing to the whistle | Oct 30, 2006 11:31
Russell Brown's Hard News
Nice to see the Prime Minister adopt my referee metaphor in reference to the election spending debacle at Labour's conference over the weekend. As she somewhat belatedly says, you might disagree with the ref's call, but you accept it and get on with the game...,
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In Praise of the Auditor-General | Oct 30, 2006 08:10
GUEST: Jim Evans, Emeritus Professor of Law, Auckland University
The article by "Rex", "Auditing the Auditor-General" (Public Address, October 13, 2006) is typical of various attempts that have been made in recent weeks to obfuscate1 the issues surrounding the Auditor-General's report on advertising expenditure by political parties in the three months before the last general election...,
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Sunday Sports Report | Oct 29, 2006 13:01
David Slack on his own account
1.43 .....My slowest time yet.
And my time is a piece of wax fallin' on a termite who's chokin' on the splinters Soy un perdedor etc. The Sunday Star Times Columnist of the Year always has helpful words of consolation for me in dark moments...,
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