Public Address 17/10/05 - The Detail On The Detail

Published: Mon 17 Oct 2005 11:29 AM
PUBLIC ADDRESS 17/10/05 - The Detail on the Detail
The detail on the detail | Oct 17, 2005 09:27
Russell Brown's Hard News
There you go. I finish a blog explaining why Winston Peters was never going to countenance the cantilevered coalition allegedly offered him by National and the Herald puts it beyond doubt by leading today with the news that New Zealand First party president Doug Woolerton has resigned in...,
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And their eyes are too close together | Oct 17, 2005 09:19
David Slack on his own account
In terms of the war on terror, who do you think should be the next country to invade? Saudi Arabia? Somebody in the Middle East? Perhaps you're thinking Italy. If you are, you're not alone according to the intrepid reporters of CNNNN who took their microphones to the...,
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A Chinatown state of mind | Oct 17, 2005 08:22
Living the invasion with Tze Ming Mok
Yellow Peril presents the preliminary results of a small Sunday night text-survey of young Chinese people, regarding an idea recently floated by Paul Spoonley. Question: "do you want the City to build you a Chinatown?"...,
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The hills are alive with the lack of politics | Oct 17, 2005 00:25
Keith Ng on the election trail
Ah, the sun is bright and warm, the air is clean and crisp, the politicians are consensus-building and commentless. New Zealand: what a country! The dark clouds will gather over Wellington again before long, no doubt, but until then, there's absolutely nothing political that we need to concerned ourselves with...,
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Cracks in the Footpath | Oct 15, 2005 11:25
Che Tibby's view from Wellington
If you're at all familiar with Wellington, the one thing you'll always recall is the high freak factor. There's blanket man, who has a surprising number of mates to hang out with on Tory Street...,

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