Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings - 9 May 2005

Published: Tue 10 May 2005 09:19 AM
Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...
1: Labour approved brother-sister sex paper
Labour approved a discussion paper that proposed legalising brother-sister sex for over-20-year-olds, according to official documents released today by National’s Law and Order spokesman, Tony Ryall.
2: Are You An Undesirable Immigrant? Take Our Quiz!
Amid growing concerns about the laxity of New Zealand's immigration controls, many readers may be concerned that they are not the kind of person Winston Peters wants in our country. So we've compiled this helpful quiz to see if you've slipped under ...
3: Actions initiated for wananga
Education Minister Trevor Mallard announced today that he had initiated two holding actions following advice that Te Wananga O Aotearoa is on the brink of insolvency, and will be unable to meet its financial commitments over the next fortnight, including ...
4: Public Address 09/05/05 - It's A Gas
It clearly hasn't taken long for Winston Peters to reach the bottom of his barrel of inappropriate Iraqis in our midst. His new target is a legitimate refugee - and by his own account, a whistleblower who fled the regime in fear of his life...
5: British Intelligence Leak - Iraq Invasion Strategy
Progressive Democrats of America Make National Call of Support for Congressional Letter Demanding Investigation of British Intelligence Leak on Iraq Invasion Strategy
6: Helen Can't Decide an Election Date
Winston Peters' rise in the polls is adding to the instability the Maori Party has caused for Labour. Labour's support is beginning to erode as the scandals pile up and more incompetence is exposed. Don Brash is sticking to the strategy of pushing ...
7: Sheila Samples: We Are Very Good Drivers...
Even as Tim Russert solemnly announced on Meet the Press Sunday that the "Number three man" in the entire Al-Qaeda network was now under lock and key, the world edition of The Sunday Times quoted European intelligence as saying that Abu Faraj al-Libbi ...
8: Mr Prebble’s atrocious sinful behaviour
The liberal bias of the media was evident in its response to the news of Richard Prebble’s adulterous relationship and his desertion of his wife.
9: Al-Khashali Case A Sick And Expensive Joke
Rt Hon Winston Peters says New Zealanders will be alarmed to learn that a New Zealand lawyer has just set off a train of refugee appeals similar to the Ahmed Zaoui case.
10: SCOOP FULL COVERAGE: Undesirable Iraqi Migrants
Are You Undesirable? Take Our Quiz! - Amid growing concerns about the laxity of New Zealand's immigration controls, many readers may be concerned that they are not the kind of person Winston Peters wants in our country. So we've compiled this helpful ...
11: U.S. Policy Priorities and the East Asia-Pacific
Evans J.R. Revere, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Remarks to the Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs Baltimore, Maryland May 3, 2005
12: Four Bloody Lies Of War, From Havana To Baghdad
The Bush Administration's lies about its rationales for attacking Iraq fit a pattern of deceit that has dragged America into at least three other unjust and catastrophic wars.
13: Bonus Joules: A Major Encounter
“What does living in Lala land mean?” This question is put to me this week by a friend from India. I answer with a string of expressions: It means you are away with the fairies. Out of your tree. You don’t have your feet on the ground. You are out ...
14: In Occupied Palestine
Israeli soldiers near Bethlehem shot and wounded a Palestinian youngster for refusing to inform on friends who had thrown stones at them, Israeli media sources reported.
15: Robert Zoellick Press Conference in Indonesia
DEPUTY SECRETARY ZOELLICK: Well thank you all for coming. I am Bob Zoellick, the Deputy Secretary of State and this is the fourth country that I've visited on a trip throughout Southeast Asia. I've been to Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam over ...
16: Greg Palast: Impeachment Time - Facts Were Fixed
The top-level government memo marked "SECRET AND STRICTLY PERSONAL," dated eight months before Bush sent us into Iraq, following a closed meeting with the President, reads, "Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam ...
17: Wananga Mess Entirely Labour's Making
National Party Education spokesman Bill English says the mess at Te Wananga o Aotearoa is entirely of Labour's making. The Minster of Education today approved an urgent $20 million loan to help meet the wananga's immediate financial needs.
18: Stateside with Rosalea: PSPTV
I have seen the future of television, and it is PSP. I'm not talking about just the technical feasibility of broadcasting to, and receiving input from, a handheld device like Sony's Play Station Portable, but about programme content itself.
19: Christian Heritage NZ Announces Deputy Leader
Christian Heritage NZ announced today the appointment of a new deputy leader. Derek Blight of Hokitika has been appointed to the position with the full support of the CHNZ Board. Mr Blight has extensive experience in education and more recently in ...
20: Scoop Review: Memories Of Tomorrow, Darkness Lurks
Amit Tripuraneni creates a surrealistic theme by drawing the viewer into a tight world of strong central characters who each live cocooned within layers of secrets entwined, inter-related somehow by the assassination of a prominent political figure ...
21: Family Of Refugees Arrested, Injured In Iran
"Amnesty International has revealed that several immediate family members of Iranian refugees who have been held in Baxter for years, are amongst those arrested and injured during ethnic clashes in the southern province of Khuzestan," WA Refugee group Project ...
22: Helen Clark Must Explain Role In Doonegate
Helen Clark must give a full and truthful account of her actions in relation to the defamatory Sunday Star Times story on former Police Commissioner Peter Doone, says National Party Leader Don Brash.
23: William Fisher: The American Press - How Free?
Recent polling data shows that most Americans think their press is the freest in the world - indeed, some believe it is too free. But according to a new report by Freedom House, a highly respected civil liberties advocacy group, the US is among ...
24: Articles Of Impeachment For President G.W. Bush
Resolved, that George Walker Bush, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and the following articles be exhibited to the Senate:
25: ACT's The Letter - 9 May 2005
Winston Peters scored a king hit. (Damn). Labour had a bad week. While the economy roars along, there are signs that the export sector is struggling as forward hedges end. Inflation and union militancy continue.
26: New MFAT Deputy Secretary appointed
Career diplomat Caroline Forsyth has been appointed Deputy Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, MFAT CEO Simon Murdoch announced today.
27: New Deputy Health and Disability Commissioner
SENIOR and widely-respected journalist Rae Lamb is to take up a new position as deputy Health and Disability Commissioner with special responsibility for complaints resolution, Health Minister Annette King announced today.
28: Overseas investors robbing Kiwis
The Overseas Investment Bill, reported back from Select Committee today, won't stop the wholesale sell-off of New Zealand's land and businesses and won't help Kiwis wanting to buy their first homes, the Greens say.
29: Bridge Collapse Blamed on Neglect
The collapse of a rail bridge while a train was crossing on the Napier-Gisborne line this morning can be squarely blamed on years of neglect following the privatisation of the rail system, said Rail and Maritime Union general secretary Wayne Butson.
30: Franks Speech: Vigilantes for rural crime?
Vigilantes for rural crime? Now that’s a proposition to stress the justice establishment in their security-alarmed apartment buildings and manicured suburbs. But some farmers must be considering it, given the judge’s decision to acquit Northland farmer Paul ...
Scoop Daily Ratings
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