STORY OF THE WEEK: The US Election (1)

Published: Mon 1 Nov 2004 03:31 PM
STORY OF THE WEEK: Week Ending Nov. 5
The US Election (1)
Countdown To US Election – One More Day - In an effort to bridge the gap between those who regard President George W. Bush as a ''liar'' and those who regard him as a mere ''exaggerator,'' I would like to suggest a term that perhaps we all can agree on: ''cheater.'' See... Dennis Hans: ''Just Win, Baby''
- William Rivers Pitt - Stand, Be Counted, Vote
- Rosalea Barker - And It's 1, 2, 3: That's What We're Fighting For
- John Cory - I Will Vote
- Marc Ash - African America to the Rescue
- Manuel Valenzuela - At the Crossroads of America
Countdown To US Election – Osama Chips In - It has been a bad few weeks for Bush with discoveries startling enough to kill, or at least stun, a normal candidate. But there is nothing normal about Bush. He just keeps plunging ahead, grunting and gasping, like one of the undead. See... John Chuckman: Osama's Endorsement
- William Rivers Pitt - UQ Wire: Osama's Election Editorial
- Michel Chossudovsky - Osama Bin Laden Supports Bush Re-election
Simon Pound: We’re All Watching America - With the entire world’s attention focused on the American election it is pretty interesting to look at how the rest of the world views what is, in fact, purely up to the Americans. See... Simon Pound: Well Meaning Goats
William Rivers Pitt: Believe - Four score and six years ago, a relatively new Boston baseball team called the Red Sox won the World Series for the fifth time. Not long after, a man named George Herman Ruth, Jr. exchanged Sox red for Yankee blue in a trade that had more to do with Broadway ... See... William Rivers Pitt: Believe
- Rosalea Barker - Stateside: Important Notice To California Voters
- Freepressed - October Surprise: Hummer Giveaway Extravaganza!
- Patricia Johnson - My Vote Counts, Will Yours?
- Marshall Mathers - Eminem Rocks The Vote Against Bush - MOSH
- Sam Smith - Faith-Based Conversation
SEE ALSO.... FULL COVERAGE: Countdown To US Election (1)
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