Scoop Letters: Swindells - Privy Council - Holmes

Published: Thu 9 Oct 2003 10:53 PM
Scoop Letters To The Editor
Ambassador Charles J. Swindells
Dear Sir,
I was horrified to see Ambassador Swindells repeating the lies of George Bush. The UN weapons inspectors were not thrown out by Saddam Hussein in 1998 but were asked to leave by President Clinton before yet another unjustified attack on Iraq.
As for the North Korean crisis, it is almost entirely of US making, although you would be hard put to find that out from most news reports. The US agreed to build North Korea two light water reactors which were supposed to be operational by 2003. When it was evident that this was not going to happen the Koreans started processing used fuel rods in their old reactor so it could be re-commissioned. Recent US aggression all over the planet led to the Korean decision to try and develop nuclear weapons as a deterrent against the excesses of George Bush. A move which I personally abhor but with Israel free to build 200 devices without US censure and the US itself holding over 20,000 nuclear devices, the hypocrisy is appalling.
Needless to say the Ambassador's disappointment over lack of New Zealand involvement in the illegal invasion of Iraq is also unjustified. We are still waiting for evidence of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons ... the original pretext for the invasion. As for the US only importing 3% of its oil from Iraq do you think that figure would remain static if Iraqi oil production could be increased to the levels the Bush administration want?
I expect better than this from a US Ambassador. Being paid to parrot the party line is one thing. Being paid to lie is another.
Dr. Paddy Ryan - USA
‘In the matter of the Privy Council’
We reside in a nation without the protection from the whims of Government, due to the lack of a Constitution! Should we therefore allow any major change without a referendum? The answer of course is a simple NO! Any move to the contrary is not only an abuse of power, but also the unconstitutional rape of every New Zealander! Rape is of course 'A Hate Crime'! Does Ms Wilson view us thus?
Yours faithfully
Alan M Bevin - NZ
The Peoples Republic of Aotearoa
We are about to worship at the unveiling and baptism of the Brave New Aotearoa.
The child is the true prodigy of Fabian socialism, in quiet gestation since her conception in Albert Park in 1972. Her birth will make the world stop, and turn and look - in wonder and in incredulous awe.
The child’s parents; Margaret, Helen, Jim, Michael,Keith and Jeanette, will give thanks to the fertility technocrats on the Electoral Reform Coalition and to their life skills mentors; the late and un-lamented Marx, Engels, and Lenin.
Her surviving siblings, the moribund and lifeless North Korea and Cuba, will whisper their fraternal greetings.
Her cousins, the dynamic, vibrant and developed community of nations – will shrink in pity, horror and distaste. Her life they know, will be a short few decades. Her existence meaningless and tragic.
Her legacy though will be sublime; the death of The Third Way.
Clarke Tipping - NZ
Margaret Wilson and the Supreme Court eh? A list MP with no mandate is going to effect a major constitutional shift, yeah? A recent poll states that 77% of New Zealanders says she shouldn't proceed, yet over half of the voting population have set this sorry charade up, by voting for the Labour Party or the Greens. You would think we'd have learnt by now. We sanction the exploiting of the poor and call it "gambling"; we reward laziness and call it "welfare"; we kill our unborn children and call it "choice"; we neglect to discipline our children and call it "childrens rights"; we tip our hats to abuse of power and call it "a minority government". So New Zealand, what are we going to do about it? Vote for more of the same in 2005? As we sow, so shall we reap.
Yours faithfully - Stephen D. Taylor - Auckland
Dear Sir,
I can't help but agree with Michael William's comments in a recent letter to Scoop.
He says "Healthy relationships between individual people and individual nations will guarantee us freedom and prosperity."
Which is precisely why so called 'socialists' spend so much time encouraging the development of healthy relationships between all sectors of society, including those between big businesses and the consumer.
Mr Williams goes on to say that "World domination by socialists won’t." - and he's absolutely right - world domination by business socialists suckling at the teat of corporate welfare doled out by compliant governments won't guarantee anything but the degredation and misery of ordinary people like myself and Mr Williams, least of all freedom and prosperity.
Yours sincerely,
Christopher Dempsey.
Holmes To Be Sacked
YES YES PLease, Holmes has to go, he is past his use by date and is a silly old idiot that does a total diservice to Kiwis worldwide by his silly rantings. I have read that he was also on 'P' drugs before the outburst and not tired as he had proported. He has to go.. Iain UK.
Iain Morrison
I think that Holes should be fired. I have held this veiw ever since I first saw him on T.V. I think he is an idiot, and an embarrasment to our country. He has never been a good journalist; so it has always been a mystery to me, why he has done so well in his career. I lived in Australia from 1995-1998, where he was constantly a laughing stock on T.V and radio; I think with good cause. Please replace him with someone sensable. Regards. Graham Menzies.
Graham Menzies
Paul Holmes Should Stay
I believe paul Holmes should not be sacked, I am a samoan Nuiean Rarotongan and i did not find his comment offensive but it is not about me it is the coffe something we new Zealanders know paul holmes personality but the english do not Paul has had so much flack that hopefully he would have learnt something from it and i think it is good that 1ZB is standing by there guns in the decision they have made.
Holmes And Should He Be Sacked?
He put things in a crude and racist manner, so I, in turn, will put things as crudely and bluntly as the situation warrants: "Yeah...SACK the cunt!"
Adam Schmierer
The man should have been sacked years ago for incompetence.
The racism is only a continuation of his ignorance into an area he has usually avoided.
He won't be missed.
Stuart Munro
White shirted Goons
So Paul Thomas has written books? Has he written one on how to denigrate other Nations.Goons were named for the managers of concentration camps, or was he talking about the famous Goon show that entertained millions of people for years? He only has to look at the ex Black shirted goon who tried to rip the face off a young Cantabury boy on Saturday night, write a book on THAT !!!!
Douglas Troope
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