Japanese Festival Over Weekend

Published: Mon 22 Nov 1999 01:59 PM
Old Japan can be seen in Christchurch this weekend through traditional theatrical performances and displays of skills and art.
Scores of Japanese have been brought to the city for the Japan Festival at the Christchurch Convention Centre and the Christchurch Town Hall.
Performances of Japanese theatre will be held tonight and tomorrow afternoon and evening.
Most performances last half an hour. All are free.
Tomorrow there will be demonstrations of the incense and tea ceremonies, of folding paper, calligraphy and illustration at the Convention Centre.
A group from Christchurch’s sister city, Kurashiki, will give four performances of bitchu kagura over the weekend in the James Hay Theatre. This depicts folk stories and myths in dance and music. They were devised 200 years ago by a Shinto priest.
The group met Christchurch’s Mayor, Garry Moore, today when gifts were exchanged.

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