Kevin Prime named Conservationist of the Decade

Published: Mon 22 Nov 1999 08:50 AM
19 November 1999
Kevin Prime named Conservationist of the Decade
Long-time environmental champion Kevin Prime has been named as Northland’s conservationist of the decade.
In a special presentation at the annual Northland Conservation Awards today (Friday), Northland conservator Gerry Rowan said Mr Prime was a role model in the community not only for his outstanding conservation efforts, but also in the areas of health, justice and employment.
Mr Rowan said that over the years, Mr Prime, who has already been awarded an OBE for his services to the community, has always stood up and spoken out for what he believes.
A father of 13 children, Mr Prime has found time over the years to actively engage in a wide range of conservation efforts. The last few years have seen him focus his efforts and that of his community on restoring the Motatau Forest with some spectacular results to date.
He has a special interest in protecting kukupa (NZ native woodpigeon) with the pest control efforts in the Motatau Forest resulting in a number of the birds beginning to nest there again.
Mr Rowan said Mr Prime has spent considerable time and energy promoting conservation to the Maori community and was a member of the Northland Conservation Board from 1990 to 1996.
“We are particularly thrilled to be presenting Kevin with this award for his immeasurable contribution to conservation in Northland,” Mr Rowan said.
For more information please contact Wanda Vivequin on (09) 4380299

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