Practitioners ask DHB to reconsider PHO decision

Published: Wed 21 Oct 2009 03:35 PM
Rural general practitioners ask Southland DHB to reconsider PHO decision
Southland general practitioners do not want a single provincial PHO. That was the clear message given to representatives from Southland DHB at a special meeting in Lumsden last night (October 20) facilitated by the New Zealand Rural General Practice Network.
About 20 rural general practitioners and other practice representatives met with Southland DHB chairman Paul Menzies, deputy chairwoman Susie Johnstone, board member Katie O’Connor, CEO Brian Rousseau, and Crown Monitor and Dunedin businessman Stuart McLauchlan.
In what was a constructive meeting there was agreement to continue to work together, however, rural practitioners clearly expressed their view that they did not support a single southern PHO.
The practitioners and the board resolved to work collaboratively towards the development of a PHO which will meet the needs of rural communities and DHBs, a PHO which would have a strong rural and clinical representation.
Network board chairperson Kirsty Murrell-McMIllan and CEO Michelle Meads facilitated the meeting, which was unprecedented in that every single rural general practice in Southland was represented and those that did not have general practitioners there had trust chairs attend.
Rural practitioners were very strong in their request that DHB representatives convey the message to the board that they reconsider their decision.
The meeting passed two resolutions:
That rural general practitioners would not take part in or engage in the development of a provincial Southland based PHO and that rural general practitioners are happy to be engaged in a process for the development of a PHO that has a strong rural and clinical voice.

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