An Internet Solution to Youth Unemployment?

Published: Tue 22 Dec 2009 11:53 AM
An Internet Solution to Youth Unemployment?
Three Sacred Heart Girls College leavers were unhappy to find that positions in the current employment marketplace are few and far between. “Finding work had never been a problem for any of us in the past,” says Ruby, spokesperson of the group. “Girls from our school were known as being industrious and reliable. Now, suddenly, positions just don’t exist.”
Unwilling to spend the time between High School and University unemployed, the girls tackled the problem with research, going straight to Google.
If there were so few work opportunities, they decided, then they would have to 'create' their own – businesses that is.
Their research came up with a newly established business directory website that concentrated on the 'delivery' of services (or products).
The girls had previously provided baby-sitting/child-minding services, cleaned houses and even undertaken gardening duties for extra income.
The website definitely seemed suited to their skills, easy to find, and it allowed a business listing free of charge.
“Rather than place little signs on supermarket notice-boards, we decided to establish new businesses on-line.”
The girls made a decision to form their own babysitting service that covered their home town. They had the tools necessary - previous experience, a car to get to the booking, and mobile phones to receive calls. No extra capital was needed.
All that was necessary was a strong show of customers, and within weeks of placing their listing on-line, they had their first bookings.
"We have no doubt our business will flourish over the summer, and we have additional workers if we need them. My grandmother says she did the same thing when she was young, but without the internet. They called it ‘bob-a-job’, whatever a ‘bob’ is."
From lawn mowing to window cleaning, the numbers of local services provided by youthful business-people are increasing nationally, and with the current stats on unemployment showing over 100,000 out of work, the girls may have found the natural solution.
The website, lists delivery businesses in all parts of the country in a very functional ‘search’ system, and boasts a 'free and easy quality listing' for unlisted businesses to enter their listing. The 'search' function finds the service or product the user is seeking, either near to them or being provided by a company that will deliver nationally.
The company directors, seeing this growth of the small service categories such as the one listed by the girls, claim now to be researching around the country with a view to creating a special category for young entrepreneurs.
A seemingly effective marketing tool, may well have opened a door to a unique solution to youth unemployment.

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