Recognise early childhood teachers on teachers day

Published: Fri 30 Oct 2009 12:02 PM
27 October 2009
Let’s recognise early childhood teachers on World Teacher’s Day
World Teacher’s Day is the perfect opportunity to recognise the important role played by qualified early childhood teachers says Te Tari Puna Ora o Aotearoa / NZ Childcare Association Chief Executive Nancy Bell.
“Having a day to recognise the value of teachers is a great idea and we’re proud to support it. We will be using the day to recognise the important contribution made by early childhood teachers. A qualified early childhood teacher can make a real difference by preparing our youngest citizens for lifelong learning.”
“On World Teacher’s Day we are asking everyone to consider the role early childhood teachers play in a child’s educational journey. Because of the key part they play, we believe early childhood teachers should share the same status as teachers in the compulsory sector. No parent would entertain the notion of unqualified teachers looking after their children in primary school, and the same should apply in early childhood settings.”
On Friday 30th NZEI are asking teachers and learners around the country to put their hands up for learning. NZCA staff, students and members will be joining in the celebrations and putting their ‘hands up for learning’.”
“We’re supporting the work of NZEI as they lead the celebration of World Teacher’s Day in New Zealand and our hands will certainly be up for learning.”

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