Export Education levy rate for 2007

Published: Tue 12 Dec 2006 03:00 PM
Hon Dr Michael Cullen
Minister for Tertiary Education
12 December 2006 Media Statement
Export Education levy rate for 2007
There will be no change to the rate of the export education levy for 2007, Tertiary Education Minister Dr Michael Cullen announced today.
The export education levy is paid by providers involved in the international education industry. Industry organisations were consulted on the proposal for maintaining the levy rate.
"The levy is used to help develop and improve the quality of this important and innovative industry," Dr Cullen said. "In 2005 the export education industry was worth an estimated $2 billion to the New Zealand economy."
The levy has not increased for 2007 as the Export Education Levy Trust account has a balance of $3.3 million after several operating surpluses. The surplus is projected to decline due to planned investment in industry promotion and marketing.
The levy fund supports a wide range of development and risk management activities for the export education industry including:
- the promotion of New Zealand as a quality education destination
- the administration of a Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students
- professional development programmes for export education providers
- research into key industry issues
- core funding for Education New Zealand, the umbrella body for education exporters.
Regulations maintaining the existing levy rate will come into force on 1 January 2007. The levy is administered by the Ministry of Education.

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