Legislation Promotes Drug Usage

Published: Mon 30 Oct 2006 04:46 PM
Otago Polytechnic Students’ Assoc.
Media Release
Attn: Political & Parliamentary Reporters
Legislation Promotes Drug Usage
“A very real effect of raising the drinking age in pubs will be young people turning to both illegal and legally available drugs instead of alcohol.” Said OPSA co-president, Natalie Absalom said today. “It is a simple fact that 18 and 19 year olds will look to something else if they are thrown out of pubs. Drugs are a likely option for many.”
“OPSA can see merit in raising the age of purchase at off-licences, but would rather 18 and 19 year olds were able to drink legally at relatively supervised on-licence premises than turning to drugs.”
“Both illegal and legal drugs are relatively easily available in NZ, and can be purchased by young people. There would be very few barriers to young people making the change from alcohol to drugs. And like off-licence alcohol, drugs can easily flow on to younger people. An increase in drug use in 18-19s will be likely to lead to ‘trickle down’ increase in drug use by minors.”
“To avoid this predictable harm to young people OPSA urges politicians to amend bill for the age of purchase increase to only apply to off-licence alcohol sales only.”

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