Man Plans Mt Kilimanjaro Climb For Children's Charity

Published: Mon 9 Dec 2013 04:28 PM
After Six Open-Heart Surgeries, Man Plans Mt Kilimanjaro Climb For Children's Charity
Auckland, NEW ZEALAND, December 9, 2013
Ta’afuli Andrew Fiu joins the Climb of Hope for Palestine Childrens Relief Fund (PCRF).
After undergoing six open-heart surgeries, dying twice and spending four years collectively in hospital after being misdiagnosed at the age of fourteen with a cold instead of Rheumatic Fever, Mr Fiu is now doing something most people would think impossible - climbing Mt Kilimanjaro on the 17th January 2014 with three other injured children previously treated by Palestine Childrens Relief Fund Charity.
“My inspiration to climb Mt Kilimanjaro is my heart surgeon, Dr Alan Kerr, who operated on me in four of my six operations. Instead of retiring in 2001, Dr Kerr continued to work alongside PCRF as a volunteer surgeon. I believe we can all do something, no matter how small, to ensure more children have the opportunity for medical treatment. I may have had a hard life but it is nothing compared to standing by and watching helplessly as children suffer unnecessarily due to lack of medicine and provisions. I am full of admiration for the humanitarian work PCRF do to enable children to heal,” says Mr Fiu.
The PCRF coordinate and conduct emergency volunteer medical missions to Palestine and Lebanon’s refugee camps. To raise awareness and support for the plight of injured and sick children. Mr Fiu will join three injured Arab children climbing the highest mountain in Africa, Mt Kilimanjaro.
The PCRF coordinate and conduct emergency volunteer medical missions to Palestine and Lebanon’s refugee camps. To raise awareness and support for the plight of injured and sick children. Mr Fiu will join three injured Arab children climbing the highest mountain in Africa, Mt Kilimanjaro .

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