Going Topless At The Circus

Published: Mon 1 Mar 2010 03:33 PM
Going Topless At The Circus
With the Wellington Festival of Circus opening on Wednesday the event organizer has been left without a big top after the tent supplier turned out to be nothing more than mirrors and smoke.
Alice Capper-Starr, executive officer of the Wellington Circus Trust described the situation: “We were astonished when we found out. The guy had industry experience, knew all the equipment, claimed to have specialized circus equipment. We had no doubts that he wasn’t genuine and signed a contract with him.”
The organizers of the Wellington Festival of Circus, which will run from the 3rd to 9th of March, only discovered that they were being deceived as they were putting the last of the consent documents through to the Wellington City Council and found that the tent they were banking on had disappeared like an illusionist’s conjuring trick… Trying to track down the contractor proved tricky too as he was similarly trying his own disappearing act…
“We were flabbergasted… I don’t understand why someone would do something like this. Instead of having a wonderful tent with wooden poles and the works we’ll be using a marquee. It will be fine but for a circus performer, it just doesn’t seem the same.”
“Circuses have long been the scene of romance and intrigue. Our recent experience shows there is more to a circus than clowning and acrobatics,” Deborah Pope, the circus director, remarked.

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