How to be a Domestic Goddess – La Revue de Cuisine

Published: Fri 5 Feb 2010 12:00 PM
How to be a Domestic Goddess – La Revue de Cuisine

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Liz Melchior and Tania Kopytko cooking up a storm in
‘How to be a Domestic Goddess- La Revue de Cuisine’
(photo by InspirePhotography)
Crows Feet Dance Collective, Wellington’s unique community dance group for mature women performers, has turned its attention to the culinary arts in a hilarious new dance work How to be a Domestic Goddess-La Revue de Cuisine.
Director and choreographer, Jan Bolwell, plays Nigella Lawson.
“I am a fan. I think she is a wonderful personality.” The dance is structured around one of Nigella Lawson’s cooking shows, and the Crows dance their way through the making of pastry, cupcakes etc. accompanied by words of wisdom from ‘Nigella’.
“The idea for the dance came from our socialising. Crows Feet often has get-togethers away from the studio where we sample each other’s latest creations in the kitchen. We decided it was time to make a dance about cooking and baking.”
Jan Bolwell discovered the perfect music for her new work. La Revue de Cuisine is a ballet for six instruments by the Czechoslovakian composer Bohuslav Martinu written in 1927. “It is witty and lively with elements of jazz underpinning the score- delicious to dance to.”
This year for the first time Crows Feet Dance Collective are taking their programme to Expressions Arts and Entertainment Centre in Upper Hutt.
Says director Jan Bolwell:
“We wanted to reach out to a new audience in Upper Hutt and are delighted to be performing in the beautifully appointed Genesis Energy Theatre. We hope our regular Wellington audience will come out to Upper Hutt to see our show, and to discover the delights of the Expressions Arts and Entertainment Centre.”
Tickets from Expressions Arts and Entertainment Centre
04 527 2168 or (booking fees apply)
Ticketing office, art galleries and café open 10am to 4pm Tuesday to Sunday. Closed Mondays.
Bookings open on February 1st (04 527 2168)
Ticket prices:
$20 (full) $15 (concession) $13 (Fringe addict)

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