Awards Continue for Parents Centre

Published: Wed 11 Nov 2009 04:04 PM
11 November 2009
Following their recent success winning the Health & Well Being category at the Waitakere City Council - Infratil awards in last month, West Auckland Parents Centre has gone on to win the coverted Bigger & Better Award at the National Parents Centre AGM beating out 51 other centres for the title. The award recognizes innovation, successful marketing, growth & relationship development with both members and local businesses.
Co-President Eileen Joy also scooped the Chief Executives Choice Volunteer Award on the night. The last 18 months have been a massive process of rebuilding and rebranding for the local parents centre and have seen them introduce new courses, processes and a new look to their activities. This award is the “icing on the cake” says Joy, "it has been a huge year and it's great to have the recognition of our efforts. We couldn't have done it without the hundreds of volunteer hours our committee provides".
From here on in WAPC have their sights set of obtaining their own premises to enable them to further expand the services they offer to the Waitakere Parenting Community and are now seeking support from anyone who could help with this endeavour. West Auckland Parents Centre offers top quality antenatal classes including a practical parenting evening, and early parenting education and support through their coffee group network.
Parents Centres NZ Inc is the primary provider of childbirth education in New Zealand employing over 100 childbirth educators and has the largest parenting based support network and infrastructure available to all parents in the community across 52 Centres nationwide.

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