Betty Anne Monga, Cher, Elvis and Mika this Sunday

Published: Thu 19 Oct 2006 05:01 PM
This Sunday, October 22, 8pm on Maori Television
This week big cheese Cher pops in from L.A. and does a number with the Plastic Maori to help her explore her Native American heritage. My dear "Adijah" pal Betty Anne Monga hops aboard Air Mika to help me tackle the thorny issue of whanau raruraru (family fighting).
Equally tricky, but a little less serious, is tonight's Crafty Corner Challenge - Polly Filla and the innocent punters make pretty bonnets, fancy hats, potai ataahua. And you can say it of Cher, Polly or Betty Ann, but you better well be saying it about me - "She's A Lady"... in flamenco-esque hi-jinks I close the show half Elvis, half Liberace ... totally me, totally Mika.

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