Kiwis in London hope for "Snogfest" at Christmas

Published: Thu 11 Dec 2003 01:32 PM
Kiwis in London hope for "Snogfest" at Christmas
A traditional white Christmas seems to be the furthest thing from the minds of many New Zealanders working in London; what they really want is a steamy time at the office party.
When a hundred New Zealanders living in London were asked if they intended to snog at the Christmas party, 77 % said yes!
But it doesn't end there; they even have a target in mind. The Christmas Party Survey carried out by the traveller services company, 1st Contact found that 34 % planned to kiss the boss and almost half had their eye on a rendezvous under the mistletoe with a secretary or
someone from IT.
A few others are aiming higher; 6% want to snog the Managing Director.
Some of those Christmas cuddles might be between old friends, as nearly a fifth said they'd had a fling with someone in the office in the past year.
The Managing Director of 1st Contact, Mike Kaye, says "London is a fantastic city to spend Christmas in and it looks like many intend to see the festivities off with a bang!"
1st Contact deals with over 50,000 people a year providing financial services and recruitment opportunities for medical and educational professionals.
Mike Kaye says the company's survey shows that London's Kiwis firmly believe that Christmas is a season of goodwill to all.
Kiwi respondent results:
77% of those questioned plan to snog at their work party
34% of those questioned plan to kiss their boss
48% said they wanted to kiss a secretary or someone from IT support
6% said they were out to kiss the company MD
19% of those questioned admitted to a fling within the office in the
last 12

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