Kiwi-Made App Released For Movie After Earth

Published: Thu 23 May 2013 01:11 PM
Kiwi-Made App Released For Movie After Earth
A Kiwi company is behind the global release today of an interactive app for the highly anticipated sci-fi thriller movie After Earth, starring Will Smith and his son Jaden.
UK-based BeyondTheStory developed the app, titled After Earth: Kitai’s Journal, for the Sony Pictures Entertainment/Overbrook Entertainment film and its tie-in book.
The movie, distributed by Columbia Pictures, launches in the United States on 31 May and rolls out globally from 7 June in the UK, then New Zealand and Australia.
After Earth, set 1,000 years into the future, features a teenage Kitai Raige (Jaden Smith) battling to save himself and his father (Will Smith) after their spacecraft crash lands on the vastly changed planet Earth.
He records his mission in Kitai’s Journal, which app viewers can bring to life in a compelling digital experience, says BeyondTheStory CEO, Jen Porter.
“With a finger touch or sweep on the iPad readers can immerse themselves in the storyline, imagery and background in as much detail as they like,” she says.
Gaetano Mastropasqua, franchise development head for Overbrook, says the app elevates the storytelling experience to an entirely new level.
“To see characters, creatures and landscapes in the After Earth universe come alive is an exciting innovation and an impressive endeavour.”
Gregory Economos, senior vice-president of Sony Pictures, says: “The app gives moviegoers the chance to deeply explore the story in a way not possible until now.”
The app features all 13 journal chapters, exclusive film imagery and audio, detailed background insights and interactive spacecraft and creatures.
A video of the app can be viewed at:
Imagery and a high quality mpeg can be downloaded at:
The app is for iPad 2 or above and is available at Apple’s App store for $4.99(NZ).

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