Livable Communities And Transport - Auck's Future

Published: Mon 20 Sep 1999 09:35 AM
Auckland City Council - City Scene
Liveable Communities: Transportation and Integration with Growth
Improved public transport options will play a large part in the success of the 'Liveable Communities 2050' strategy for managing growth in Auckland by providing people with more choice about how they travel.
Aucklanders are already choosing to live in apartments and higher density accommodation, says Councillor Catherine Harland, Chairperson of the Transport and Roading Committee.
Developers are building them because the demand is there. This isn't about forcing people to live in terrace houses, but about giving them more accommodation options by providing a transport system that supports all kinds of living arrangements.
We want to encourage growth in a way that produces a quality environment. We can use the existing rail network and improve bus services so that people have a choice about how they get around.
'Liveable Communities' identifies certain areas as suitable for intensive urban development in order to contain growth geographically, says Councillor Harland.
Previously, development occurred in a way that left people with no choice but to rely on the car. 'Liveable Communities' will make it feasible to use a train or bus, or even cycle to where they want to go.
Councillor Harland points to Panmure as an area with good existing rail links that are under-utilised at present but could be upgraded to encourage growth there.

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