Capital Football Withholds Ground Payments To Wellington City Council

Published: Wed 3 May 2023 11:20 AM
Capital Football has announced today it will withhold payments on ground fee invoices from Wellington City Council until its demand for an independent review of the cost basis for the charges is fulfilled.
The Council appears to have reversed its decision to renege on the review promise, and Capital Football says it appreciates the effort that has gone into the councillor’s notice of motion. However, Capital Football says the high fees remain a serious issue for community sports, and it needs to ensure a review takes place quickly.
Capital Football CEO Richard Reid said given the severity of the issue, Capital Football had no other option than to withhold payment of the fees until WCC makes good on its promise and a review is completed.
“We have a duty to players and parents to ensure Council fees are the lowest possible and can be substantiated and justified.”
“Times are too tough, so although we appreciate the efforts of councillors, this review must happen quickly.
“Wellington sportspeople want this review now, as they were promised by 14 of the 16 people on Council.
“Only an independent review can assess the real cost of providing these grounds.”
“We’ll pay only when the Review is completed” Reid said.
Capital Football’s payments make up 40 percent of the money collected by Council for use of its sport grounds.
Capital Football will continue to collect ground fees from clubs, and would place the funds in a ring-fenced account until the review is completed and the council and sport codes have agreed on new fees.
Reid clarified that the only meeting Capital Football would attend on the issue was one to agree on the independent reviewer and terms of reference.
Reid said football games and competitions would be scheduled as normal this weekend, including those on Council-owned grounds.
“Wellington sportspeople will show their support by getting out there and enjoying their games,” Reid said.

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