Protesters Disrupt “Greenwash” Z Energy Auckland University Lecture

Published: Fri 5 Aug 2022 05:56 AM
August 4: 30 students and climate activists disrupted a Z Energy lecture, hosted by Auckland University. The protesters stormed the stage with chants and songs, calling the event ‘greenwashing’ and criticising Auckland University for giving a social licence to the fossil fuel industry. The lecture topic was the “transition to a low-carbon future”, and was delivered by Z Energy CEO Mike Bennetts. Z Energy is owned by the Australian oil giant Ampol and is one of New Zealand’s largest climate polluters.
Auckland student and 350 member Alysha Jurgeleit says “The fossil fuel industry has spent decades fuelling climate denial and stalling climate action. Z’s climate talk has zero credibility and they even missed their own measly climate targets. Z plans to uphold their climate wrecking business model for as long as possible to maximise profits for investors. You know Z’s greenwashing strategy is one of the best in the world when even the top university in the country falls for it. This is no different than inviting a tobacco CEO to give a talk about the transition to a Smokefree Aotearoa.”
Protesters including Auckland University students were ordered to leave University property by event organisers. Protest spokesperson Adam Currie says “The university tells us to be the critic and conscience of society, yet students are being expelled from University premises for doing exactly that. Z’s business model is fundamentally steeped in climate-killing oil, and events like this legitimise climate criminality and provide the social licence to operate that fossil fuel corporations are desperate for. The greatest risk to our climate is rebranding inadequate policies as climate action.”
“As soon as the speeches and chanting began, event organisers yelled at us to be quiet and leave. Believe me, I wish I could just keep quiet and live my own life, but the world that Z is creating does not allow me that privilege. That is why I am here.” says Olivia Bird, Auckland University student and member of Fridays for Future.
The protesters then departed the lecture hall together, singing the traditional activist song “Which side are you on.”

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