Genevieve Robinson Declares ECan Candidacy

Published: Thu 23 Jun 2022 06:15 AM
Christchurch central resident and local campaigner Genevieve Robinson has announced her candidacy for the Canterbury Regional Council - ‘ECan’.
Much of Genevieve’s commitments are driven by a need to look after our water, or wai. She has led campaigns on a range of coastal issues, in particular, protecting the region’s marine life.
Genevieve is no stranger to the regional council.
She says: ‘Because I have always lived in harbour cities, I’ve spent a lot of time advocating for better coastal protections.
“My election to the regional council will help ensure good, strong policies for our groundwater, our coasts, our rivers, and their inhabitants.”
Genevieve also challenged local water bottling consents by petitioning both local and central government - gathering more than 120,000 signatures.
In 2019, she helped form dedicated water group - Aotearoa Water Action (AWA).
With the help of the community, AWA has challenged the bottling consents in the courts.
Genevieve wants to see a moratorium on new water bottling consents and that when a property is sold, any water consent must first be forfeited.
Known locally as the ‘dolphin lady’ for her local Hector’s dolphin advocacy, Genevieve says the 42 unique bays, harbours and estuaries in the Christchurch area alone, need better protections.
“As an advocate for endemic marine mammals and seabirds, I support a dedicated coastal zone that protects what people value,” says Genevieve.
She wants to see additional Marine Protected Areas too, to address the impacts of both climate change and an increase in human-based activities.
Her interests reflect her commitment to coastal issues.
Genevieve is a trained marine mammal medic, is on the committee of Akaroa Marine Protection Society, deputy chair of Māui and Hector’s Dolphin Defenders and is the founder of ‘The Pod’ - a regional Hector’s dolphin advocacy and education group.
She formed ‘Project20’ due to concerns over the potential impacts of the Lyttelton Port Company’s new cruise ship berth construction on resident Hector’s dolphins.
She was also a volunteer at the Fox River landfill cleanup
With a family history of bowel cancer, Genevieve is concerned at the increasing levels of nitrate contamination in the region and associated public health risks, from synthetic nitrogen fertiliser.
Genevieve also supports safer walking and cycling options for those using Port Hills and larger, faster connecting roads.
Genevieve is a trained journalist.
She has co-authored a number of technical papers, including the NZ Sepsis Plan. In her spare time she photographs and writes about conservation issues affecting the community.
She can also be found picking up plastic nurdles and other rubbish at a beach or river, near you.

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