Auckland Health Authorities Thank Community As Laboratories Record More Than 2,500 Negative Tests

Published: Fri 29 Jan 2021 01:57 PM
A strong community response has seen an estimated 5,000 tests taken in metropolitan Auckland since two new cases linked to the Pullman Hotel managed isolation facility were identified on Wednesday 28 January.
Yesterday at Orewa alone over 630 swabs were taken at the pop up community testing centre (CTC).
As at 12.30pm today, 2,686 tests had been resulted by laboratories in Auckland – all are negative.
In response to notification of the new cases the metropolitan Auckland district health boards yesterday stood-up extra testing capacity with a focus on the North Shore, where the two people live.
Waitematā District Health Board Chief Executive Dr Dale Bramley thanked residents for their prompt response.
“As we have learned over the past year, everyone has a part to play in keeping from COVID-19 out of our communities.
“What we are seeing at North Shore testing centres gives us confidence that people who need a COVID-19 test are getting one.
“I want to acknowledge and thank all those who are working long hours to support community testing right across the health sector.
“I also want to thank the public for their good humour while queuing for a test. I visited the three North Shore community testing centres yesterday and was impressed by the positivity and patience of those waiting.
“As we head into the long weekend, I encourage people to be thoughtful. Testing will be available across Auckland throughout the weekend.
“Please continue to practice good hand hygiene, scan in everywhere, and wear a mask on public transport. Importantly, if you are unwell or worried about the health of any family members please stay at home and do not travel. Call Healthline for advice.”Testing steady at North Shore CTCs Friday morning
Around 500 vehicles were waiting when testing stations in Albany, Orewa and Northcote opened this morning. At 12.30pm wait times were less than 15 minutes at all three sites.
Testing demand was steady elsewhere in the city, across the five other CTCs and in general practice and primary care.
Yesterday and today volunteers drawn from the DHB workforce including public health nurse and social workers were deployed to the busiest CTCs (the North Shore pop-ups), walking through the queues, handing out bottles of water and food, checking on people’s welfare and keeping them up-to-date on current wait times.
As well as water and food, traffic management is in place and portaloos and sunblock are being provided at testing stations on the North Shore.
There is room and resource to test everyone – but we need your help to get testing running quickly and easily.If you were not at a location of interest at the stated times and you have no symptoms you do not need to be tested.If you were at the locations of interest at the times stated, you need to get a test.If you have symptoms but have not been to a location of interest stay home and call Healthline for advice.Be patient, take care, they do want to talk to you.The high demand at our COVID-19 testing sites may mean delays. Our frontliners ask for your patience and empathy, please be kind.
For up-to-date information on testing locations in metro Auckland,
For up-to-date information on all testing locations, please call Healthline (0800 358 5453) or visit

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