Learn about the sources of Aotearoa’s unique resources

Published: Thu 19 Apr 2018 10:07 AM
19 April 2018
Learn about the sources of Aotearoa’s unique resources
GNS Science and Hutt City Libraries are again joining forces in 2018 to hold a series of free science seminars from this week and during the Hutt STEMM Festival in May to inform, educate and raise awareness of New Zealand’s unique natural resources.
The series, titled ‘The Sources of Our Resources’, features local GNS scientists offering insights into the latest research on Aotearoa’s natural resources and the challenges and issues around their use and exploitation.
April’s talk with Dr Cécile Massiot covers the exciting future perspectives of geothermal energy, which supplied 17% of New Zealand's total electricity in 2017 and is a resource with low CO2 emissions.
The second talk in May with Dr Stewart Cameron focuses on our fresh water aquifers, looking at how groundwater quality is monitored and the challenges we face in the coming years to counteract past pollution activities. A New Zealand Sign Language interpreter from Deaf Aotearoa will also be signing the talk in May as part of New Zealand Sign Language Week.
Lillian Pak of Hutt City Libraries says, “Science literacy and understanding the world around us is becoming increasingly important. Hutt City Libraries is very excited to be working collaboratively with GNS Science to provide high quality learning opportunities, presented by credible scientists actively working in their fields. We’re proud of our work promoting science and technology as part of the Hutt STEMM Festival and throughout the year.”
Karyne Rogers of GNS Science says, “GNS Science has a long record of working with communities. This is yet another example of how we take our science directly to local residents and provide an opportunity to interact with the scientists and hear first-hand about the research being undertaken in New Zealand.”
Talks in ‘The Sources of Our Resources’ series are free. For more information see

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