Government gives poor a kick in the guts for Xmas

Published: Wed 23 Dec 2009 11:22 AM
Government gives poor a kick in the guts for Xmas - WPC
The Government has decided to give vulnerable New Zealanders a kick in the guts for Christmas says the Wellington People's Centre.
The call follows Welfare Minister Paula Bennett’s announcement the government wants to limit unemployment benefits to one year despite unemployment running at a record high.
WPC spokesperson Kay Brereton says the move shows the Government’s disregard for ordinary New Zealanders.
“This year we’ve seen tens of thousands of Kiwis lose their jobs while the government does nothing and now the plan is to punish those who can’t find work by cutting the little income they have.
“Paula Bennett has made a lot of political mileage out of her time as a beneficiary but it’s obvious now that the ‘Kiwi battler’ has little care for others in the vulnerable position she made her way out of.
“The message from this government is clear, they don’t give a damn if you lose your job but they’ll punish you if you can’t find another one fast enough to suit them.
“All this policy would do is create a desperate underclass competing for scant jobs and doing anything they can to survive. That’s a recipe for a sick society and one hell of a merry xmas from the government.”
The Wellington People’s Centre and it affiliates represent and support thousands of out of work New Zealanders every year.

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