Have Fun- But Be Considerate

Published: Mon 21 Dec 2009 12:07 PM
Have Fun- But Be Considerate
Waitakere residents are urged to be considerate while having fun over the festive season.
The City Council says that invariably the number of noise complaints it receives “spikes” around Christmas/New Year.
On average the Council receives 1100 complaints a month.
“This is a time for people to gather and enjoy each other’s company,” says the chairperson of the Council’s planning and regulatory committee Vanessa Neeson.
“No doubt there will be parties, barbecues and so on. But while people are enjoying themselves they should also be considerate of neighbours. Most people are pretty tolerant but extremely loud noise and music into the wee hours of the morning can test anyone’s patience.”
She says that all noise complaints are investigated and measurements taken from the boundary of a property. “If the noise is excessive, the occupants are asked to tone it down. If they don’t, equipment such as stereos can be confiscated and fines issued.”
“No-one wants to be a party pooper and if people on both sides of the fence so to speak are considerate everyone can enjoy the holiday season.”
To report excessive noise contact the Council’s 24-hour call centre on 839-0400.

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