Work in pest management acknowledged by ECan

Published: Wed 21 Mar 2007 04:07 PM
March 21, 2007
Pendarves farmer’s work in pest management acknowledged by ECan
More than 40 years service to pest management in the region by retired Pendarves farmer Robin Bruce was acknowledged this month by Environment Canterbury.
Environment Canterbury’s deputy chairman and chairman of the pest and biosecurity committee Robert Johnston said that through his membership of Environment Canterbury’s pest committees and its predecessors Mr Bruce had brought a willingness to debate contentious issues and he was always well researched and logical in his approach.
He was elected to the Ashburton Rabbit Board in 1963. He became chairman in 1974. A year later under his chairmanship the Ashburton Board amalgamated with the Ashburton Gorge and Whitcomb Boards. Mr Bruce remained chairman until the regional council (now Environment Canterbury) absorbed the board in 1989. Mr Bruce was appointed as a member of the new Ashburton pest management liaison committee when the new committees were formed in 1996. In 2002 he became chairman of the Ashburton pest management liaison committee until his resignation in 2006.
Mr Bruce said forming the pest liaison committees following the amalgamation of the boards with Environment Canterbury was a good move. He said pest committees are one of the best methods of testing the water among the public and landholders in particular. He said his chairmanship had been invaluable although the committees hadn’t always agreed.
“It is important that Environment Canterbury keep the committees informed no matter how difficult the issue is, so the members can defend their decisions to their communities”.
Pest management liaison committees across the region advise Environment Canterbury about work programmes in their districts. They also pass on Environment Canterbury's information about pest management to local communities.

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