$100 Fine For Dumping Rubbish

Published: Thu 3 Mar 2005 08:54 AM
$100 Fine For Dumping Rubbish
People who illegally dump rubbish on the city's streets will be fined $100, warns Manukau City Council.
An inorganic rubbish collection has began in Auckland City. This does not mean people can begin dumping this sort of rubbish onto streets throughout the Auckland region.
The dates for the inorganic rubbish collection this year in Manukau have yet to be set, but it is unlikely to take place before July 2005. Once the dates have been finalised, Manukau residents will receive a leaflet in their letterbox telling them when the collection will start in their street.
Most people look forward to Council's inorganic rubbish collection because it is an easy way to get rid of unwanted items. However, a degree of responsibility is required from the community to ensure the collection remains a success, and that includes keeping to the collection dates and encouraging neighbours to do the same.
The Council's senior policy analyst Patricia Facenfield says it is important that people only put out rubbish the weekend before their street's inorganic collection is scheduled.
"Putting out inorganic rubbish on the street prior to the collection dates is an offence against the Litter Act 1979 and attracts a fine of $100," says Ms Facenfield.
People who see others illegally dumping rubbish should report this to the Council's telephone call centre on 262 5104. They can also call this number if they have any questions about the inorganic rubbish collection in Manukau.

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