Partnership project progressing well

Published: Wed 15 Sep 2004 01:31 PM
15 September 2004
Council and Housing New Zealand Corporation’s new partnership project progressing well
Christchurch City Council is continuing to work with Housing New Zealand Corporation to access funding through the Government’s Housing Innovation Fund.
The Council wants to build at least 24 units, for tenants on low incomes, on Council-owned land at Gowerton Place. Rob Dally, the Council’s Facility Assets Manager, said that the choice of location was informed by recent research the Council has undertaken regarding the future demand for Council housing in Christchurch, as well as availability of land in areas where future demand is forecast.
The Council has been in discussion with the Corporation since April. Paula Comerford, General Manager Housing Partnerships for Housing New Zealand Corporation, says discussions are progressing well.
“So far, Housing New Zealand Corporation is happy with progress on this partnership. Once the Council has finalised the design and overall project feasibility, the Corporation will have all the information it needs to make a final decision “, says Comerford.
If the project is approved by Housing New Zealand Corporation, the council will only have to fund $1.7 million - 50% of the total capital costs – as the remainder would be funded through the Housing Innovation Fund. The Council contribution would come from its Housing Development Fund (which does not include money from rates).

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