Help shape the future of the Albany Centre

Published: Fri 22 Nov 2002 01:51 PM
Help shape the future of the Albany Centre
November 22, 2002
North Shore City Council is reviewing the way the Albany Centre has been developing, and it wants to hear from residents about their views on how the area takes shape.
Next week (Nov 26/27) residents in the northern part of the city will receive the Albany Centre - Help Us Plan The Future newsletter, which includes a tear-out questionnaire.
Copies of the newsletter and questionnaire can also be obtained by phoning Actionline on 486 8600, or by visiting the council's website
Different scenarios for future development of the Centre are outlined: A Business Park and Mall, a Town Centre with Precincts, a City Centre, or a centre somewhere in between.
Tony Holman, chairperson of North Shore City's strategy and finance committee, says residents' feedback will help shape the Centre's future.
"This vision will help create a council strategy, to be completed by May 2003, for managing development of the area. We will work with major landowners such as Westfield New Zealand and The Neil Group to see how this vision can be achieved.
"We urge residents to take the time to fill out the questionnaire, because we want the future Albany Centre to be a place that North Shore City residents are proud of."

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