Messages from Manus - update 5
Messages from Manus - update 5
Tuesday, 14 November
We are still 421
Immigration and Australia said everything in new accommodation is great and it has high quality but as you see nothing is ready and the situation there is worse than here. Toilets are so dirty, no electricity, no water, aircon not working, washing machines as well.
Some rooms they didn't even start building them yet. So Dutton is just a liar. Tell his office your pic is fake not our videos Your lies never can cover the truth.
The main reason they didn't use force with us is that west area still under construction and not enough rooms for all of us. So just pressuring us to get as much people as they can out About 150 men still in Port Moresby for medical have to come back there too @ManusAlert
Behrouz Boochani on Twitter: Refugees in Hillside & West Lorengau prison camps saying we want to come back but immigration preventing us. How is ABF insisting we go there when conditions worse than RPC hell? Best way is let us go to a third country, you cannot continue to this harsh policy.
Behrouz Boochani on Twitter: The refugees in Hillside & West Lorengau prison camps are living in harsh conditions. 24 ppl in Hillside, saying we have lack of water. How can Australian ABF think sending 400 ppl there is ok when not basic services for 24 ppl?
Gratitude from Manus
people in Australia and across the people across the world
have shown us great love and compassion. You expressed this
by conducting large protests and you sent endless calls and
emails to your elected leaders.
I want to say that makes great difference in our lives. It means we aren't forgotten. It rekindles our hope. Thank you for your tireless support.
Your efforts will end human right abuse that's done in your name.
I have never seen people who are more courageous and resilient than you.
Please don't give up on us. We love all.
14 November
106th day of peaceful protests
16th day of