Messages from Manus Nov 13
Monday, 13 November 2017 | Message from Manus
From manus Islands hell to the people of the
world :
We detainees on Manus hell need your help to stop a human tragedy which AUSTRALIA and PNG are carrying out against innocent asylum seekers held here from 50 months ago.
The Australian government cut water, food, power, sanitation and medical services from 31st of October 2017 to force the asylum seekers to leave the camps against their will and go to the PNG community in lorengua town. But we did not do that until today.
The police of manus Island has threatened us to use to force us to leave the camps on Monday tomorrow.
I am writing this letter to the all people in the world to be witness of the cruelty of these two governments against us.
If something happens for anyone of us tomorrow or after that, these two governments are responsible for it because we don't want to live in PNG and they are going to force us to do that.
We are 421 people right now in the camps on manus hell.
New Zealand prime minister asked Australia for times to let us go to new Zealand but Australia rejected.
We ask the whole world now to help to stop this human tragedy against refugees.
6 people lost their lives already and Australia and PNG pay no attention to the refugees lives.
Please help us to leave this endless prison and rescue us from the bloody hands of Australian and PNG governments as soon as possible.
We need a very urgent help and change. We already wrote to the red cross organization and many other organizations to help us but they could not free us yet.
Please don't leave us in the bloody hands of Australia and this terrible frightening situation.
Please help us in any possible way.
Thank you so much.
Full Bench hearing in Port Moresby today at
Behrouz Boochani tweet 10:04 Manus
Three mobile police squad cars, six immigration
buses and two trucks are in front of the prison camp gate.
The refugees are extremely worried, any time they may
attack. @ManusAlert
Monday afternoon:
Police &
Immigration coming in now from many
PNG Supreme Court Chief Justice adjourned #Manus appeal until next Wednesday 22/11.
PNG Immigration are inside Manus RPC,
breaking things. Police are standing outside front and back
of the compounds
Australian officer is in
white car. He is ABF but wearing normal clothing & hiding
behind the cars
The police commander David Yapu announced something in his language which we couldn't understand.
Big tank outside compound destroyed.
Many smaller tanks inside compound have been destroyed. This is a big one now destroyed and is outside the compound.
Another 48 hour warning. Many 48 hour warnings since October 31.
Kill if you
want kill. We prefer to death inside the prison camp. But we
don’t want PNG
NAME: Gulabi Peer
your kind honor I would like to know about the current
processing and survival on MANUS RPC. It's crystal clear
that we have been deprived from the necessities i.e. food,
water, electricity and medical care since 1st November 2017.
We are in terrible crisis.
As so For USA assessments interview, DHS and medical has been completed and I’m waiting for outcome but stuck in horrible and frightening circumstances drives me crazy. Stress and anxiety put me in painful state. This horrified situation in Manus island builds pressure of hopelessness, negligence of humanity and powerlessness.
In this terrifying situation when I see through these different angles I find nothing to be helpful but the hope of USA RESETTLEMENT keeps me alive.
I put down these plea and request in thirst and hunger. It took more 2 hours to state this humble statement.
I hope and believe that I will be considered for help in this humanitarian crisis.
Best regards
Manus islands
detention center
SOS @ManusAlert
Samad Abdul tweet two hours ago: Our last hope, rain water, which we were trying so hard to store the water, has been destroyed as well.
Humanity has dead.
#ManusSOS @ManusAlert
PNG Supreme Court Chief Justice has adjourned #Manus appeal until Wednesday 22/11.
13 November
421 men
105th day of peaceful protests
day of blockade
You cut off water & food but you can’t
cut off the oxygen
To be human is to be understanding of
the humanity
We want safe