Attacks in Brussels on 22nd March, 2016
From PACE, The Party of the Citizens of Europe, Parti des Citoyens Européens, Partei der Europäischen Bürger/innen, Partij van Europese Burgers
Lille, 22nd March, 2016
Attacks in Brussels
on 22nd March, 2016
The Party of the Citizens of
Europe, PACE, expresses deep condolences to the families of
the victims of the Brussels attacks and to the Belgian
As many other places in the world, several European countries were struck recently by terrorist attacks: Denmark, France and Belgium. To deal with this situation and improve the safety of European Citizens, robust measures have to be taken to fight terrorism effectively.
PACE requests the creation of a European Intelligence Agency which would pool information and means in order to upgrade the monitoring of potentially dangerous individuals, thus reducing the risk of attacks.