UNISDR: Innovative Disaster Reduction & Climate Change Work
UNISDR: Innovative Disaster Reduction and Climate Change Work In Pacific
By Halitesh Datt, Fiji TV: http://fijitv.info/
10 July 2013, Nadi, Fiji - The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, UNISDR says the Pacific should get more credit for its innovation and effort in climate change and disaster risk management work.
The UNISDR says it will continue to support the region in its future efforts to address climate change and respond to disasters.
UN Special representative of the Secretary General for Disaster Risk Reduction, Margareta Wahlstrom says work on disaster reduction in the region is very important.
She says although the region has resources there is also a clear shortage of capacities.
Wahlstrom says more effort is needed to maintain the momentum on climate change and disaster reduction in the region.
She adds that the main challenge identified in the region is the need to accelerate the development of competencies and schemes that will stay with the countries.