PWDA welcomes Coalition commitment to the NDIS
17 May 2013
PWDA welcomes Coalition
commitment to the NDIS
People with Disability
Australia (PWDA) welcomes the commitment by the Coalition to
maintain the funding support for the NDIS (DisabilityCare)
and ensure the scheme remains true to the principles of the
Productivity Commission report.
"Last night in his Budget Reply Speech, we were pleased to hear Mr Abbott state that the Coalition will ensure the scheme reflects the Productivity Commission recommendations," said PWDA President Craig Wallace.
In 2011, the Productivity Commission recommended an entitlement rights based scheme providing care and support for people with significant and permanent disability.
"This is a significant statement by Mr Abbott," said Mr Wallace, "and we are encouraged by the promise to return the scheme to its original vision as set down by the Productivity Commission."
"The extraordinary bipartisan support we've seen shown by all politicians is critical to the sustainability of this scheme," said Mr Wallace.