World Firsts on Henderson Island
Media Release
World Firsts on Henderson Island
The Royal Society for the Protection
of Birds (RSPB) in conjunction with the Pitcairn Islands
Government is delighted to announce that the ground-breaking
operation to restore Henderson Island has now taken place.
At 43km², Henderson is the largest tropical or sub-tropical island ever to be subject to a rat eradication operation, and the third largest island yet treated in the world.
The project was also the first time an aerial eradication operation has been conducted from the deck of a ship, and saw Henderson rails successfully bred in captivity for the first time.
Rats have had a devastating effect on the island, killing over 25,000 petrel chicks a year and driving the Henderson petrel towards extinction. Seabirds, which would have numbered in the millions before rats arrived, have been reduced to just 40,000 pairs.
Rats have also been limiting the populations of other endemic bird species, altered the forest through seed consumption, and preyed upon marine turtle hatchlings and Henderson’s unique invertebrate populations.
British High
Commissioner and Governor for Pitcairn, Vicki Treadell said
“Whilst we cannot yet be certain whether all the rats have
been eradicated, we are optimistic of success and eagerly
await the 2013 monitoring expedition which will hopefully
confirm that this unique World Heritage Site is now