Second Conference on the National Languages of Timor-Leste
The Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO, together with the National Institute of Linguistics, Timor-Lorosa’e Nippon Culture Centre, Secretariat of State for Culture and the Dili Institute of Technology (DIT), will organize a conference from 18 to 19 August in order to debate the role of the nation’s local languages in the process of national development and in strengthening Timor- Leste’s culture and unique national identity.
“Our mother tongues are a national treasure, and a fundamental part of our East Timorese cultural identity”, says Ms Jacinta Barreto, Secretary General of the Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO. “Our State and civil society organizations have a duty to contribute to the preservation and development of our local languages, and if we fail in honouring Article 13 of our Constitution, then we must accept that before too long many of our indigenous languages will face extinction”, she added.
The Conference will be officially opened by HE Prime Minister, Xanana Gusmão. Guest speakers from Timor-Leste and from the Philippines and New Zealand will share their views and experiences of issues such as orthography development and the role of minority languages in the education system.
Instituisaun lima organiza Konferéns ia Daruak kona ba Timor-Leste nia Dalen Nasional Husi loron 18 to’o 19 Agostu, Komisaun Nasional UNESCO iha Timor-Leste, hamutuk ho Institutu Nasionál Linguístika, Timor Lorosa’e Nippon Culture Centre, Secretaria de Estado da Cultura no Institutu Teknolojia Dili (DIT), sei halao konferénsia ida hodi halo debate kona ba papel lian nasional sira iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nasional no hametin kultura no identidade iha rai laran.
“Ita nia
lian-inan sira hanesan riku-soin ida no parte fundamental
kultura Timor-Leste nian” hateten Sra Jacinta
Barreto, Sekretária Jeral Komisaun Nasional UNESCO iha
Timor-Leste. “Ita nia Estadu no sosiedade sivil iha
obrigasaun no dever atu kontribui ba dalen nasional sira nia
konservasaun no dezenvolvimentu, no se karik ita haluha
kompromisu ne’ebé hatuur iha Konstituisaun (artigu 13),
ita nia lian nasional sira sei hetan ameasa atu lakon iha
tempu badak mai”, nia hatutan.
Konferénsia ida ne’e
sei loke ofisialmente husi Sua Ex.a Primeiru
Xanana Gusmão. Orador husi rai laran no mos husi rai
Filipinas no Nova Zelandia sei fahe sira nia hanoin no
esperiénsia kona ba kestaun ortografia no papel lian
minoritáriu sira iha sistema edukasaun.