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Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government: 7/8/11

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government

07 Aug 2011

Stop the Super Dictatorship By Lori Price, 07 Aug 2011 The unconstitutional 'Super Congress' aka 'Super Dictatorship' is the final straw! We will NOT tolerate 'Cat Food Commission II' (Firedoglake's epithet), established by and for the Tea Party/Wall Street sycophant Barack Obama. The DemocRATs will cave to the Republicans in seven picoseconds -- as the have since December 2000 when Al Gore 'offered his concession' in the *first* GOP coup d'etat. The US deficit was *created* and *exploded* through illegal off-the-books wars for oil, gas, opium, and Blackwater. Want to cut spending? STOP the illegal wars and STOP stealing from and exploiting the poor! Obusha, wake up and smell the Italian Roast: NO ONE is voting for you, despite MSNBC and Faux News who want you to be the Democratic candidate. Let's get an *actual* Democrat on the ballot and Obama can then follow his dream and sit on the board of directors at GE, Exelon and/or TEPCO. [Join us on Facebook! Stop the Super Dictatorship.]

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'NATO planning military attack on Iran' 06 Aug 2011 Russia's envoy to NATO Dmitry Rogozin says the NATO is planning a military strike against the Islamic Republic to overthrow the Iranian government. Rogozin said in an interview with Russia's Izvestia daily newspaper published on Friday that the NATO was pursuing a long-reaching goal of preparing an attack on Iran, adding that the alliance intends to change governments whose views do not coincide with those of the West. The Russian envoy further pointed out that Syria and later Yemen could be NATO's last steps on the way to launch an attack on Iran. [See that? Deficits are about as relevant as a June bug in July when USociopaths want to invade and occupy a country for Exxon Mobil, BP, or some other terrorist group. --LRP]

US-led airstrike kills Afghan civilians --NATO targeted residential area 06 Aug 2011 A fresh US-led airstrike has killed at least eight civilians and wounded several others in the troubled southern Afghanistan, local authorities say. The causalities come after NATO targeted a residential area in Nad Ali district of southern Helmand Province. The western military alliance claims to have targeted militants in the troubled region. However, eye-witnesses and local sources said all those killed in the attack were civilians.

America's black day: Bin Laden hit team troops shot out of sky by Taliban --31 dead after rocket-propelled grenade destroys Chinook helicopter --News comes as USA loses gold-plated AAA credit rating --Deadliest single incident since Afghan war began in 2001 06 Aug 2011 More than 20 US Navy Seals from the elite unit that killed Osama Bin Laden have died after their helicopter was shot down by insurgents in Afghanistan. They were among 31 American Special Forces troops and seven Afghan soldiers who were killed when a rocket-propelled grenade destroyed their Chinook helicopter. The terrible development came on the day when Americans were absorbing the shock news that for the first time in its history the United States had lost its gold-plated AAA credit rating.

Helicopter Taliban downed was carrying Navy SEALs 06 Aug 2011 Thirty-one U.S. troops, including more than 20 Navy SEALs, and seven Afghan soldiers died when their helicopter was shot down during an overnight operation against 'Taliban insurgents' in eastern Afghanistan, according to statement issued Saturday by Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Most of the dead were U.S. Navy Seals. It was the worst single-day toll for American forces in Afghanistan since U.S. troops [illegally] entered that country nearly 10 years ago, and one of the largest tolls in a single incident of either the Afghan war or the fighting [for oil] in Iraq.

Militants Attack ISAF Logistics Convoy In Wardak 05 Aug 2011 (Afghanistan) Anti-government militants have torched two logistics trucks of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in central Maidan Wardak province on Thursday, an official said. The incident took place on main Kabul-Kundahar highway in Salar area of Sayedabad district late in the afternoon, the governor's spokesman, Shahidullah Shahid, told this news agency.

US frees Abu Ghraib abuse ringleader Charles Graner 06 Aug 2011 The ringleader of the US military guards who photographed their abuse of suspected Iraqi 'insurgents' at Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison has been released. Charles Graner served more than six-and-a-half years of a 10-year sentence, army officials said. Graner, a former US Army Reserve specialist, was convicted of leading his six-member team in the sexual humiliation of naked prisoners. Images of the acts emerged in 2004, sparking international outrage.

Yemenis urge army to back revolution 08 Aug 2011 Thousands of anti-regime protesters have held fresh rallies in the south of Yemen, calling on the army to protect their popular revolution. Yemeni anti-regime demonstrators took to the streets once again in the southern city of Taizz late on Sunday, and urged the military forces loyal to Ali Abdullah Saleh to stop attacking them and instead defend the people's revolution, reports say.

Iran donates USD 25 million to Somalia 07 Aug 2011 Iran's Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi says the Islamic Republic plans to donate USD 25 million to the famine-stricken people of Somalia. "The USD 25 million worth of goods will be sent for the famine-stricken Somalis," Salehi said on the sidelines of the Cabinet's meeting on Sunday. The drought and the famine it has caused in the Horn of Africa nations have affected more than 11.8 million people across Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia.

Terrorists 'R Us: London riots: Bullet found lodged in police radio was force issue bullet --Claims bullet found in police radio was issued by the force --Scotland Yard faces criticism over its readiness for the riots, despite repeated warnings 08 Aug 2011 London endured a second night of violence last night as questions were raised about the shooting by police of a suspected gangster. A mob of 200 anarchists smashed their way into shops and lobbed concrete slabs at police cars following Saturday's riot in Tottenham. And in a dramatic development, the killing of Mark Duggan came under fresh scrutiny. There were claims that a bullet found lodged in a police radio was a force issue bullet, meaning Duggan had not fired on officers as police suggested.

Protesters retake Madrid square after police charge 06 Aug 2011 Thousands of Spain's "indignant" protesters reoccupied Madrid's main square a day after riot police swooped down on demonstrators who rallied at the interior ministry to protest its closure. Police stood by late Friday as the demonstrators entered the Puerta del Sol square, the symbol of their movement against the government's handling of Spain's economic crisis. The protesters set up a huge banner at the entrance to the square that read "Welcome Dignity" and sat on the ground to hold a "popular assembly" to discuss future protest action.

Israelis plan million-strong march as protesters call for social justice --Campaigners vow 'more pressure and more people' after 300,000-strong demonstration across country 07 Aug 2011 Activists behind spiralling protests in Israel plan to build on one of the biggest marches ever seen in the country by piling on "more pressure, more people, more tents and more protests" culminating in a million-strong march in 50 cities next month. An estimated 300,000 people took to the streets on Saturday to press their demands for social justice and lower living costs in the largest demonstrations over social issues ever seen in the country. Despite scepticism that turnout could surpass previous events, almost twice as many people joined marches in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other towns and cities.

'Knesset may not complete its tenure due to Israel's social protests' 07 Aug 2011 Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin said Sunday that he believes that the current Knesset may not complete its tenure due to the ongoing social protests in Israel. Rivlin said that he believes elections will be earlier than the expected date in November of 2013. On Saturday evening, some 300,000 demonstrators took to the streets in protest of high cost of living in Israel.

Shooting Sheriffs Saturday --AntiSec Official Release Statement By voice 05 Aug 2011 [CLG summary - see original.] "Alright Dirty, yall boys ready? Bout to turn drive-bys revolutionary" ANTISEC DELIVERS OVER 10GB OF PRIVATE POLICE EMAILS, TRAINING FILES, SNITCH INFO AND PERSONAL INFO IN RETALIATION FOR ANONYMOUS ARRESTS #ShootingSheriffsSaturday //That's a lesson you learn, comin straight from the slums //And it don't stop till we get full freedom

AntiSec Hackers Release 10GB of Law Enforcement Data --Name of hackers' release: 'Shooting Sheriffs Saturday' 06 Aug 2011 Hackers associated with the "AntiSec" collaboration between Anonymous and recently disbanded hacker group LulzSec have released more than 10GB of information from 70 different law enforcement agencies across the United States. The leakers called it one of their largest data dumps yet, released as retaliation for recent U.S. and U.K. arrests of alleged AntiSec members. Nestled within the data dump, posted as both a BitTorrent release and posted on sites accessible via the Tor anonymity network, are more than 300 different email accounts from 56 law enforcement Web sites.

States can't opt out of Secure Communities program 06 Aug 2011 In an unusual move, the Obama regime has told governors they cannot exempt their states from the controversial Secure Communities program, which uses fingerprints collected by local and state police to help immigration authorities identify and deport tens of thousands of criminals each year. The Department of Homeland Security notified 39 governors Friday that the fingerprint-sharing program did not need their approval to operate in their states, and said it had voided agreements they had signed to authorize their states' participation, according to a copy of the letter.

TEPCO may use 'shower spray' on troubled reactor [Insert eye-roll *here.*] 05 Aug 2011 Tokyo Electric Power Co. is considering changing the method of injecting water into the No. 3 reactor at its hobbled Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant as the current system isn't cutting it. The No. 3 reactor is consuming nearly three times the coolant water that the No. 1 and No. 2 reactors are taking to cool down their fuel rods, as a considerable amount is missing the target. TEPCO said that the pressure vessels in the No. 1 through No. 3 reactors, where fuel meltdowns have occurred, currently have temperatures at the bottom between about 90 and 120 degrees.
How Did Those Vermont Fish Get Radioactive? --Radioactive fish collected nine miles upstream from Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant 05 Aug 2011 "Hey, don't look at us" has been Entergy Corporation's response to the discovery of Strontium-90 in fish from the Connecticut River. But the contamination, revealed this week by the Vermont Department of Health, promises to complicate the utility's effort to extend the license of its aging Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant. One of the most lethal by-products of nuclear fission, Strontium-90 was found in the bones of nine of 13 fish collected from the Connecticut River last summer, and for the first time, in the edible flesh of one fish.
Israeli shares fall 7% after U.S. downgrade, local protests 07 Aug 2011 Tel Aviv stocks plunged across the board on Sunday, losing more than 7% in reaction to America's loss of its perfect credit rating late last week and a sharp selloff in world markets Thursday. The Sunday retreat was the steepest intraday fall since the global economic crisis erupted in 2008. An opening loss exceeding 5% triggered circuit-breakers, causing a series of brief suspensions in trading. But stocks started off almost six percent in the red and by the close, blue chips had lost more than 7%.
U.S. Stock Futures Tumble After Ratings Cut 07 Aug 2011 U.S. stock futures fell sharply on Sunday following the steepest weekly retreat since 2008 as traders reacted to Standard & Poor's downgrade of America's credit rating and ongoing concerns over the euro zone debt crisis. In early trading Sunday evening, Dow Jones Industrial Average futures plummeted 258 points to 11,144, S&P 500 futures tumbled 27.8 points to 1,170 and Nasdaq 100 futures slid 45.8 points to 2,141.
U.S. triple-A debt rating cut by Standard & Poor's 05 Aug 2011 The United States late Friday lost its triple-A debt rating from Standard & Poor's for the first time in its history, with the credit-rating agency saying the political system of the world's top economy has become less stable and that budget cutting announced earlier this week didn't go far enough. S&P lowered its rating on the U.S. by a notch to AA+ and, to compound the embarrassment, said the outlook is negative as well, as it threatened another reduction in two years. [Standard & Poor's: Weren't these the same a**wipes giving all the sub-prime mortgages a top rating, along with every other corpora-terrorist's bad loans, and is retaliating because Dodd-Frank exposed S&P's hypocritical loan-rating insanity? --LRP]

US Postal Service warns it could default 05 Aug 2011 The US Postal Service warned on Friday that it could default on payments it owes the federal government, just days after the US government itself narrowly averted a default. The government's mail service said it lost $3.1 billion in the period from April to June... As a result of its mounting losses, the US Postal Service said it would not be able to make a legally required $5.5 billion payment in September to a health-benefits trust fund.

Romney pledges opposition to gay marriage and to establish 'religious liberty' commission 04 Aug 2011 Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has signed a pledge sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage promising to support a federal constitutional amendment "defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman." The pledge also includes promises to vigorously defend the Defense of Marriage Act in courts and nominate Supreme Court and federal judges who "reject the idea our Founding Fathers inserted a right to gay marriage into our Constitution." By signing the pledge, Romney also promises to establish a presidential commission on "religious liberty" that would investigate harassment or threats against those who have taken positions against same-sex marriage.

Mystery million-dollar Romney donor revealed --Former director of investment firm once headed by GOP hopeful behind donation 06 Aug 2011 In a move aimed at tamping down a mounting controversy over secret money in presidential politics, a political committee backing Mitt Romney Saturday publicly identified a former Bain Capital managing director as the source of a mysterious $1 million contribution to its coffers. Restore Our Future, the pro-Romney committee, said that Edward W. Conard, who was for years associated with Bain Capital, the huge investment firm that Romney once headed, was the figure behind an obscure company called "W Spann LLC" that was listed as donating $1 million to the group last spring.

Firm gives $1 million to pro-Romney group, then dissolves --Records offer no clues who was behind mystery company that donated to 'super PAC' 04 Aug 2011 A mystery company [W Spann LLC] that pumped $1 million into a political committee backing Mitt Romney has been dissolved just months after it was formed, leaving few clues as to who was behind one of the biggest contributions yet of the 2012 presidential campaign. The existence of the million-dollar donation -- as gleaned from campaign and corporate records obtained by NBC News -- provides a vivid example of how secret campaign cash is being funneled in ever more circuitous ways into the political system.

Conservative group sends absentee ballots with late return date 01 Aug 2011 The state chapter of Americans for Prosperity, a conservative advocacy corpora-terrorist group, is mailing out absentee ballot applications to voters in two state Senate recall districts with instructions to return the material after the date of the election. The fliers tell voters to return the absentee ballots to their city clerk before Aug. 11, even though the election date for the two districts receiving the mailers is Aug. 9. Matt Seaholm, state director of AFP, blamed the mistake on a typo, saying his group was not trying to mislead anyone.

All 50 States See Record Highs in July 01 Aug 2011 No state in the union was safe from July's blistering heat wave, according to data from the U.S. National Climatic Data Center. The horrible July heat wave, lasting weeks in some cities, the entire month in others, affected nearly 200 million people in the United States at some point. Preliminary data show that 2,712 high-temperature records were either tied or broken in July, compared with 1,444 last year, according to the NCDC. At least one weather station in all 50 states set or tied a daily high temperature record at some point during July.

Bear that mauled British teen was starving --Starving bear was shot in head 07 Aug 2011 The polar bear that killed a British teenager and mauled four others last week in Norway was starving and significantly underweight, the Melbourne Herald-Sun reported Monday. An autopsy of the 250-kilogram bear showed it had not eaten for some time and was significantly underweight, the paper reported... A member of the injured party fired a fatal gunshot to the bear's head.


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