Indonesia: Blog Reactions to Bin Laden's Death
Indonesia: Blog Reactions to Bin Laden's Death
Posted By Carolina Rumuat On 14 May
The news about the death of the “king of terror” Osama Bin Laden traveled fast around the globe like wild fire. But Bin Laden's death wasn't received with much fanfare in Indonesia, a Muslim majority country. Government officials reminded the public that his death was a victory for the United States (US), not Indonesia.
Indonesia's hardline Muslims are considerably small in numbers but very vocal, and they're not afraid to show respect to their fallen hero.
However, the responses from the Indonesian public differ. Jenny S. Bev, an Indonesia-born, California based columnist, wrote this on her blog:
Barack Obama believed that justice has been served. It may be so to a certain level. At least now we have a closure for all 9/11 victims as the person responsible for their deaths had been forced to taste his own medicine. This moment, however, is the beginning of a new chapter: the new normalcy in a world without Osama bin Laden.
Ms. Bev expects terror splinter groups to strike back so it's highly important for the US to renew its foreign policy. She further said:
[…] it is good timing for the United States to make adjustments in their foreign policies that would reduce feelings of insecurity and helplessness in other countries, while at the same time increasing alertness for any possible friction.
The temporary euphoria of Osama’s death should be taken as a somber reminder that there are alternatives to going into war with other countries. A strong intelligent team can be more efficient and effective than spending trillions of dollars and ten years of hunting down one person for the price of thousands of civilians’ deaths.
Blogger Isro Machfudin posted a poem which he found profoundly moving, written ten years ago at the wake of 9/11, by Anis Matta, the current chairman of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) [5], an Islamist political party. Here are parts of the poem:
Kamulah yang mengunci mulut
bangsa-bangsa adidaya,
Supaya mereka terdiam
mereka hanya bisa mengamuk.
Kamulah yang merampas rasa
Dari jiwa bangsa-bangsa tirani
Maka mereka tak
pernah bisa tidur nyenyak.
Osama oh Osama… Osama oh
Mari kita senandungkan lagu keabadian
nurani anak-anak manusia
Yang merindukan taman
Osama, you're the one who sealed the mouths of the
superpower nations,
so they were silenced.
That's why
they went beserk
You're the one who seized the security
from the tyrant nations, so they couldn't fast
Osama, oh, Osama, let's sing the eternal song
with the conscience of the human children who are missing
the garden of heaven.
Many Indonesians were relieved to learn the death of the modern jihad icon. Blogger Katedra Rajawen, said:
Terlepas Osama dianggap sebagai
penjahat atau pahlawan, saya hanya ingin mengatakan, bahwa
sesungguhnya tindakan membunuh adalah sebuah perbuatan
karena ketidakmampuan untuk mengasihi orang
Whether Osama is a criminal or a hero, I just want to say that killing is an act of frustration of personal inability to love others.
Blogger NRG07 said:
I have never understood the minds of people who kill by the name of religion, and Osama bin Laden certainly was a poster boy for this ideology. If his death would mean anything to Indonesia, first of all, it would be a signal that as long as anyone is there spreading terror, there would also be people against it.
He believes that despite Bin Laden's death, the world shouldn't put its guard down yet, since the ‘war on terror' is far from over.
I wouldn’t be relieved that Osama bin Laden has died, if the spread of radicalism, hatred and intolerance is still there.
The blogger was referring to the government's inability to prevent religion-related violence in the country.
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