Mike Moore: Burn, Baby, Burn!
Burn, Baby, Burn!
How would this feel?
By Michael Moore
[Welcome to OpenMike. This is where Mike blogs. Soon to be its own pretty section of MichaelMoore.com]
So the friggin' SECRETARY OF DEFENSE took time off running all our wars to call some nutjob preacher in Florida.
And we have to witness the sissy sight of Gen. Petraeus begging from Afghanistan for this nutjob preacher not to burn a Koran.
And now the nutjob preacher is filled with delusions of grandeur that he's stopped the "Ground Zero" "mosque" from being built.
Look Secretary Gates -- and General Petraeus -- and all the rest of our pants-pissing brass: the "freedoms" you constantly say you're protecting (hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha -- oh excuse me, I just love a good comedy line when I hear one!) include the freedom of a whacko in a state full of whackos to protest by burning something as long as that fire doesn't burn down anything else -- like his own church! Hmmmm? Oh Jesus, I beseech thee!!... No, nevermind. I got distracted. (What's really surprising is there aren't MORE preachers like this. Remember, 31% of Republicans think Obama is a Muslim.)
All I can say is, they had better build that mosque now. If a Florida bigot can get a place of worship halted because of his threats, then we are all truly doomed. All this crap about how if the Koran was burned "we'd really be hated by Muslims then!" Are you kidding me? Get outta the house and take a trip through the Arab world! THEY ALREADY HATE OUR GUTS. And not because of a stupid book burning. They hate us because we've killed hundreds of thousands of their people! We've claimed their oil as ours. Never ever forget that Saddam Hussein was armed and supported for years by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. And WE overthrew the democratically-elected government in Iran. We continue to prop up the dictators of the Arabian peninsula and we have turned our backs on the Palestinian people.
They don't hate us for a book burning. White people of European ancestry have enjoyed a good book burning for some time now!
They hate us because WE trained and armed the people who then trained and armed Osama bin Laden and his buddies in the 80s to fight the Soviets. Then Osama, Inc., the trained killer dog, decided to turn on its master. Who the hell is surprised by this? Are we a nation of idiots?
It's that crazed Reverend's right to burn that book as many times as he wants. That's just how free we are.
And dammit, they had better build that mosque in downtown Manhattan. If they don't, the Florida terrorists win.
UPDATE: The Imam in NYC says that they are still planning to build their community center. Apparently Imam Musri of central Florida met on his own with the crazy pastor and told the pastor that he agreed with him that the mosque in Manhattan shouldn't be built and promised to take the pastor to New York on 9/11 to meet with the Imam there. I guess the pastor thought this Imam had come from the Vatican of Imams and could make his dream come true.
UPDATE 2: gristle points out in the comments below that there actually IS another nutjob preacher who's planning on doing the same thing. Here's the link. Thanks, gristle!