TEAR Fund responding to Pakistan floods
TEAR Fund responding to Pakistan floods
TEAR Fund is responding to the devastation in Pakistan after heavy monsoon rains brought severe flooding and landslides to provinces in the north west of the country and parts of Afghanistan.
TEAR Fund is distributing emergency supplies such as medicines, water purification kits, emergency shelter and mosquito nets to affected families.
TEAR Fund chief operations officer Jon Horne said, “It is not all about being first to respond to emergency situations like this. TEAR Fund and its Integral network of 15 disaster relief partners are taking a highly co-ordinated approach to our aid effort for the most effective response we can deliver and to ensure the gaps are properly plugged.”
While TEAR Fund has not launched an official appeal donations can be made to our general disaster relief fund for Pakistan and other disasters on www.tearfund.org.nz or by phoning 0800 800 777.