Obama Acts to Ban Abortion coverage
Obama Acts to Ban Abortion coverage
Tens of thousands of ACLU supporters have already acted to protest the Obama administration's decision to severely restrict abortion coverage for vulnerable women. We have to keep flooding the White House with more messages. If you haven't signed our petition, now is the time.
Unless we act, women in the newly-created, high-risk insurance pools will be shut off from abortion coverage even if they want to pay for it with their own money.
This broad and highly restrictive abortion ban goes far beyond what the law requires. It forbids states from choosing to cover abortion. And it zeroes in on vulnerable women -- those with pre-existing conditions who have been denied health care coverage on the individual market.
Please take action right now. Ask President Obama WHY his administration is restricting coverage for vulnerable women. http://action.aclu.org/site/R?i=u_hqtEOsqCzmVE3izhxB5g..
Or, to learn more about this decision to impose this restricitve ban, please read the email below.
Sincerely, The ACLU Online Team