Save The Children Haiti Appeal
Save The Children Haiti Appeal
Save the Children’s
emergency response team has started to distribute hygiene
kits, food, water, medicines and supplies to children and
families in need in Haiti.
“We've begun delivering IV (intro-venous) solutions and medicines to14 hospitals and clinics throughout the Port-au-Prince region yesterday,” says Annie Foster, Save the Children's Emergency Response Team Leader in Haiti.
“We are seeing dazed, dehydrated parents walking the streets with their children, searching for clean water and food.”
“People are particularly fearful of being in or near buildings, as strong after shocks are continuing.”
Save the Children will start setting up safe space areas for children, and will also begin child tracing programs to reconnect children who were separated from their families during the emergency.
“We're extremely concerned about the well-being of the children at this critical time.”
Save the Children is co-ordinating with the UN and other partners to distribute relief supplies as well as efforts in child protection.
“New Zealanders have responded generously to our appeal but more help is needed” says Save the Children New Zealand Chief Executive Liz Gibbs.
Donations can be
made in several ways:
• Call Save the Children New
Zealand’s donation line: 0800 167 168 or 0900 67168 to
give an automatic $20 donation
• Visit any one of Save
the Children’s shops across the country (our website: lists the one closest to you)
• Send a cheque, made out to Save the Children, to
Freepost PO Box 6584, Marion Square, Wellington. Mark your
envelope Haiti and don’t forget to add your name and
address so we can send you a