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War is Illegal

War is Illegal

Against a background of escalating ecological crises, and the fact that large parts of the world´s population are being exposed to extreme poverty, inhuman working conditions and increasing social tensions, the annual global military expenditure has risen to more than 1000 billion dollars.

The military-industrial complex of just a few G8 countries is responsible for the overwhelming part of this spending, causing incalcuable social and ecological consequences.

Unequal distribution of global resources, increasingly controlled by large multinational companies, global debt policy and unfair international trading practices ultimately could not be maintained without military security. In many countries the military is used to repress critical opposition.

The terror attacks of September 11, 2001 are increasingly used to justify systematic surveillance and the dismantling of constitutional rights. Even European countries have helped to establish Guantanamo-like secret prisons, where torture in all probability takes place.

Iraq was attacked based on falsified evidence causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people, widespread destruction, destabilization and contamination with cancer-causing depleted uranium munitions.
Now plans to attack Iran and the possibility of a new World War have been made public, meeting resistance even from moderate elements within the military due to the unforeseeable consequences.

Faced with the choice between a war, that according to some western leaders, will last for many years or a possible peaceful transformation we support the following demands:

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1) (Impeachment proceedings against US President Bush and US Vice President Cheney before the 2008 election, a demand raised in solidarity with large parts of the US public and some members of US Congress.) Furthermore prosecution by the International Court of Justice of G. W. Bush, R. Cheney and other officials from various countries for waging wars of aggression contrary to international law and committing crimes against humanity.

2) International investigation of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. They are used as the central justification for the "War on Terror", but well documented evidence shows that the official explanation of 9/11 cannot be correct. International personalities in science, politics, and culture, including high-ranking military veterans, have called for a new investigation.

3) Immediate military withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq, and no attack against Iran. International prohibition of war as a means of conflict resolution. Military intervention and export of weapons should be criminalized.
In a civilized society torture must be prohibited in any form.

4) Conversion of military industries to civilian purposes and the development of ecological and sustainable energy resources. According to the UN environmental agency, a fraction of the annual global defence expenditure could ensure that all humans have access to clean water and a basic supply of food and healthcare.

This statement is based on a commitment to non-violence and tolerance of all ethnic groups and religions. Two devastating World Wars and historical catastrophes like the Nazi Holocaust must always remind us of the worst consequences of nationalism, racism and incitement to war.

Sign this statement, pass it on, whatever we can do. It is up to us.

(After US-President Barack Obama took office in January the demand for impeachment in #1 has been

placed in parentheses. The text of the declaration remains unchanged.)

more than 2700 signatories :

COOP Heinrich Buecker - Art Cafe Rochstr. 3 Berlin, Germany
Delabru Fashion Store - Rochstr. 5 - Berlin, Germany
Sahira Awad Hip Hop Artist - Berlin, Germany
Arcanoa Art Bar Cafe Berlin, Germany
SO36 Cultural Venue - Club - Berlin, Germany
Wolfgang Schulz Lawyer - Berlin, Germany
Café Zapata - Club, Café - Oranienburgerstr. 55 Berlin, Germany
Z-Bar Bar, Art, Culture, Cinema - Bergstr. 2 , Berlin, Germany
Querkopf e.V. - Homeless & Unemployed Newspaper Berlin, Germany
World Depleted Uranium Centre e.V. Prof. Dr. Schott, Berlin, Germany
David Swanson - Co-founder Impeachment Coalition - USA
A. K. Dewdney professor of computer science - London, ON, Canada
Fr. Daniel Berrigan , S.J. peace activist, priest, poet - New York City
Wolf Theilacker city councilman, Bündnis90/Die Grünen - Heilbronn
Burhanettin Dag co-chair, Central Council of Islam, Germany
Said Huber attorney, Lt. Col. of Swiss Military Justice - Kerzers, Switzerland
Splitting the Sky Mohawk actor, singer, John Boncore - Chase B.C. Canada
Deanna Taylor co-founder, Green Party Peace Network (GPPN) - Utah, USA
Michael Andregg University professor - St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Buffalo Mountain Food Cooperative Hardwick, VT USA
Grandmothers Against the War Joan Wile, Founder, New York City, USA
Iowa Peace Network Nonviolent Direct Action - USA
No dal Molin Eufrosine Messina , president , Vicenza, Italy
1% a Peace Army Grass Roots Peace Army - MA, USA onepercentapeacearmy
Morton K. Brussel Professor Emeritus, Physics, University of Illinois, USA
Autonomedia Jim Fleming, Editor & Publisher -New York, USA
Prof. Giuseppe Vitiello Physics - University of Salerno, Italy
Italo-Palestinian Friendship Assosiation of Florence Chair Mariano Mingarelli
Edvino Ugolini Artisti Contro Le Guerre - Trieste, Italy
Law office Hoemann, Schmitt, Schwab, Schenk, Muzikant Duisburg, Germany
Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility Chair R. Larson -USA
Resistance for Peace Human-Earth-Animal Rights-Austria Franklin López - Vancouver, BC Canada
Dominique Chanovre Blackdove Collective - Perth, Australia
Jeff Farias talk show host - Phoenix, AZ, USA
CAMS Coalition Against Militarism in our Schools - LA, USA
Northeast Impeachment Coalition MA, USA
Nina Hagen - Musician - Berlin, Germany
Cynthia McKinney - US Presidential Candidate, Green Party 2008
CODEPINK Women for Peace - co-founder Gael Murphy- USA
Green Party of Washington State - Maryrose Asher, Chair - USA
Dr. Axel Troost - Member of German Parliament - Bremen, Germany
Elizabeth Kucinich Wife of Congressman Dennis Kucinich - Ohio, USA
Jonah House - Community, Nonviolence, Resistance - Baltimore, USA
Ko Un - Poet and Writer - Ansong, South Korea
Food Not Bombs - co-founder Keith McHenry- NM, USA
Eckart Spoo - Editor of biweekly magazine "Ossietzky"- Berlin, Germany
Felicia Langer - Alternative Nobel Prize Laureate - Tübingen, Germany
Nebraskans for Peace - Statewide peace & justice organization-Lincoln, NE, USA
Grassrootsamerica4us - Founder Tina Richards - USA
Dr. Motte - Founder Loveparade, Musician, DJ - Berlin, Germany
Michael Parenti Ph.D. - political author & scholar - Berkeley, CA USA
Harold Barclay, PhD - Prof. Anthropology University Alberta - Edmonton, Canada
The Internationale of Military Draft Resisters - Berlin, Germany
Combatants For Peace - Palestinian-Israeli Peace - Palestine
Renate Bahr - Co-Founder of Green Party Austria
Dr. Stefan Silber - spokesperson Pax Christi- Sailauf, Germany
Carsten Labudda - politician, DIE LINKE -Weinheim, Germany
Green Party of Delaware - David A. McCorquodale, Treasure - USA
Karin Gaulke - Projectsecretary Women Center Marie e.V. - Berlin, Germany
Inge Keller - honorary member Deutsches Theater Berlin - Germany
Heike Haensel - Member of German parliament - Tüb./Germany
Seasolarstore - Energy Alternatives Inc. - Barrington, NH/USA
Ekkehard Sieker - TV-Journalist - Bad Hönningen, Germany
Peace Not War Japan - Raising awareness about peace -Tokyo, Japan
Freewayblogger - 3000 antiwar highway signs - California, USA
Richard Sanders - Coalition to Oppose the Arms-Trade --Ottawa, Canada
Hedva Shemesh- Artist, Art Curator- Jerusalem, Israel
Coalition to Reaffirm and Extend the Geneva Conventions-Eugene, OR, USA
Anas Karzai, Ph.D - Professor of Sociology - Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Billionaires for Bush- Corporate Lobbyists - USA
Hans Boës - Futurologist - Berlin, Germany
Tom Santoni - Veterans For Peace - musician - Hastings, Florida, USA
Barbara Waschmann - Documentary Film Festival - Vienna, Austria
AlternaTees - Sweatshop - Free Tees for Peace - Brooklyn, NY, USA
Peace Movement Aotearoa - Peace Organisation - Aotearoa, New Zealand - Christina Macpherson - Melbourne, Australia
Olaf Brühl - Film Director - Berlin, Germany
TUC Radio - Independent Radio - San Francisco, USA
Carlos Latuff - Cartoonist - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Indymedia Perth - Ray Grenfell, editor - Perth, Australia
Unite - Union of Workers - Auckland/New Zealand
Peace NO War Network - Lee Siu Hin - Los Angeles, CA, USA
Consumers for Peace - Peekskill, New York, USA
The Camp for Climate Action 2007 - Leeds, UK
Ole Lehmann - Comedian, actor - Berlin, Germany
Charleston Peace - Anna Shockley - Charleston, SC, USA
Art Voices Against Poverty - Anne Radstaak - Germany
Wales Network for Peace & Nonviolence - Cardiff, UK
Peacetaxseven - No Taxes for Financing War - United Kingdom
SAWA - Support Association for the Women of Afghanistan - Australia
Midwest Independent Film Festival - Chicago, IL, USA Artist/Activist collaborative - Los Angeles/Boston, USA
Dr. Maximilian C. Forte - Ass. Professor, Anthropology - Montreal, Canada
Dr. Matthias Beier - Psychoanalyst, Scholar of Religion -NYC/USA
South Florida Raging Grannies-Promoting Peace, Justice, Equality-Florida, USA
Murat Karabey - Actor - Berlin/Germany
Humanist Party of India -Sudhir Gandotra - Delhi, India
Brian Willson - USAF VN Vet, Veterans For Peace - Arcata, CA, USA
Permakultur Austria - Sustainable Living -Austria
Kolahstudio - Iranian Urban Art Movement - Teheran, Iran
Mondo Senza Guerre - Disarmo e Nonviolenza - Italy
Workers Solidarity - Antonio Rus Serrano- Madrid, Spain
Susan Dorothea White - Artist, Author - Sydney, Australia
Joe Kincheloe- Professor (McGill University) - Montreal, Canada
Kurt Daims - Vermont Town Petition to arrest Bush/Cheney - Brattleboro, VT, USA
Environmentalists Against War - Gar Smith, co-founder - Berkeley, CA, USA
Farah Notash - Artist, Left Unity - Vienna, Austria
Ukhampacha Bolivia - Indigenous Journalism - La Paz, Bolivia
Global Coalition for Peace - Bethesda MD, USA
Mohawk Nation News - Sovereignty for the Kanionke:haka
Sebastian Reuter- sounddesigner - Berlin, Germany
Ralf Mischnick - filmproduction - Berlin, Germany
Dirk Szuszies - film- & theatre director - Berlin, Germany
Middle East Children's Alliance - Barbara Lubin - Berkeley, CA, USA
Maryland United for Peace & Justice - Annual Peace Conference - USA
Norwich Stop the War Coalition - P. Offord - Norwich UK-
Zion Train - Dub Reggae Band - London, UK
Dub Is A Weapon - Dave Hahn, musician - New York, USA
Portland Radio Authority - Alternative Radio - Portland, OR, USA
AVC Inc. -Trifon Haitas (Green Party) - Toronto, Canada
Curare e. V. - human rights organisation - Köln, Germany
Left Wing German Greens - Ralf Henze - Dannstadt, Germany
Elizabeth Barger - Artist for Peace -The Farm, Summertown, TN, USA
Hartford Catholic Worker Community - Christopher J. Doucot - Hartford CT, USA
Thomas Reinert - steering committee B90/Green Party KV Coesfeld - Dülmen, Germany
DAWN - DuPage Against War Now, Glen Ellyn - Cleveland, Illinois, USA - Network for Peace -Germany
Malachy Kilbride - President
Jenny Watson - member of Pais (War Resisters International) Netherlands
Vegan Society Austria - Felix Hnat - Vienna/Austria
People for Peace and Justice of Utah - grassroots movement - UT/USA
Carol Brouillet - Green Party candidate for Congress - Palo Alto, CA/USA
The July 7th Truth Campaign - London, UK
Else Tonke - Grandmothers against War - Berlin, Germany
Australian War Criminal Watch - Sydney, Australia
SONAD - Organisation for Nonviolence & Development, Light Aganwa - Khartoum, Sudan
Elfriede Krutsch - Medical Doctor, member of ATTAC and IPPNW. - Berlin, Germany
Lynn Meadows - Green Party, Interfaith Council for Peace. - Chelsea, MI, USA
Nepal Peace Party - Chair Bolaram Pandey - Kathmandu, Nepal
Robert Lewis - writer/filmmaker - Montreal, Canada
Campaign to Make War History -London, UK
Friendship and Peace Society - President Ellen Rosser - USA
Matthew Buechler - 2008 March On Ottawa - Canada
Bo Filter - Author, M.A., Psychology-Court., BC, Canada
Ralf Pandorf - Redakteur LabourNet Germany - Bochum, Germany
K. Bracken - Secretary Victoria Branch Maritime Union of Australia
Geoffrey Hagopian - Professor of Mathematics - Palm Desert, CA, USA
Mira Svartnes Thorsen - The Green Party Norway
Heidi Kloor - secretary ver.di Union - Berlin, Germany
Paul Craig Roberts - Former assistant editor, Wall St Journal - FL, USA
European Agency for Safety at Sea - Anders Björkman - Beausoleil, France
Emmanuel Herchy - Professor for political science-Berlin, Germany
Fritz Vilmar - Professor for political science - Berlin, Germany
Women Against Military Madness - Polly Mann - MN, USA
Jean-Claude Englebert - ECOLO (Belgian Greens) - Brussels, Belgium
Cristina Gay - Speaker UNE AUTRE GAUCHE - Belgium
Robert W. Halfhill - Green Party, Gay Activist-MN, USA
Sabine Schwenk - DIE LINKE Kreisverband Alzey-Worms
White Rose Coffeehouse - J. Benninger - Canada
Gillian Norman - Dir./Prod. Avante Films - Sydney, Australia -
Will Thomas - Member of Veterans for Peace - Auburn, NH USA
Stefan Dolge - Koordination Attac Essen - Germany
Florian Gross - Co-Founder, Reopen 911 - Geneva, Switzerland
Robert Layton - Internat. Arbitrator - Lakeville, CT & NYC, USA
Dissident Voice - Kim Petersen, editor - Anyang, Korea
Marie Kullman - Coordinator for Buffalo War Resisters League - USA
Helene von Kolontay - DIE LINKE KV Daun - Germany
Peter Bürger-Catholic Theologian, Publisher-Duesseldorf, Germany
Irina Sels - Director - European School Parents Association - Brussels, Belgium
Dr. D. Fehrentz - chair Asssosiation of Victims of persecution by the Nazi Regime
Adam Kokesh - Iraq Veteran, US Marines - Santa Fe, NM, USA
Rick Pickett - Designer - Berkeley, CA, USA
Peter Simpson - Co-founder, Futenma- Henoko Network - Okinawa, Japan
Nancy O’Byrne - Coordinator, Pax Christi Northeast Florida - St. Augustine, USA
Rosemarie Pace - Director Pax Christi Metro New York - New York, NY, USA
John Downing - Pax Christi Pentagon Area -Arlington, VA, USA
Klaus Hartmann - Chairman of German Freethinker Association


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