Mashup Awards Fund raiser for 9/11 Widow Mariani .
NYC Sunday 09/09: First 9/11 Video Mashup Awards Fund raiser for 9/11 Widow Mariani
NYC Sunday 09/09:Fund raiser for 9/11 Widow Mariani, First 9/11 Video Mashup Awards Sponsored by New York City 9/11 Truth:
Mariani will speak at the Fund Raiser of her experiences and will be present in NYC that weekend for other of the many events planned for the 6th anniversary of the September 11th attacks.
York City 9/11 Truth" presents the "First Annual 9/11 Video
Mash-up Awards Show." The best of the cross-genre electronic
media progeny, newly vlogged in the Late Days: Heklivism,
Doku-mashies, Floor-mashies, Footagisms, Trashies + "X":
hybrids to put TV Fakery, Politics and Exotic Weaponry in
In the Tradition of the Lower East Side Howl Festival at the Authentic Rebel Cafe 2007,, none other than Bob Holman's Bowery Poetry Club, a Fund Raiser for Amazing Feminist, strong Woman and Stander-uper to Government "Shut-up" Persuaders, Ellen Mariani.....
When: Sunday Afternoon 2PM to 4PM, Sept. 9, 2007
Where: Bowery Poetry Club 308 Bowery, between Houston and Bleeker
What: VJ showing of the most influential, convincing, artistic and perfect of the new cross-over electronic medium genre, the "9/11 Video Mash-up."
Suggested Donation $10.
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