NZ Air Force To Host Australian Air Crews [Pics]
New Zealand Defence Force
Te Ope Kaatua O
Media Release
19 June 2007
New Zealand Air Force To Host Australian Air Crews
The Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) will host two Australian F-111 strike aircraft this week for three days of mountain flying training exercises.

Australian RAAF F-111 strike aircraft is in NZ - View Large
The two Royal
Australian Air Force (RAAF) jet aircraft will arrive at
Ohakea Air Force base this afternoon.
During their stay they will fly over much of the North Island, including the East Coast and New Plymouth, and down the West Coast of the South Island as far south as Fiordland.Air Component Commander Air Commodore Peter Stockwell said the visit was a good opportunity for New Zealand and Australian airmen and airwomen to swap information and experiences.

RAAF F-111 arrived at Ohakea Air Force Base 20 Jun 07 - View Large
"Opportunities to meet and exchange knowledge with
our closest ally are always welcome and assist us whenever
we work together operationally."
Royal Australian Air Force Flight Lieutenant Susan Youngman said the mountainous terrain of New Zealand was ideal for mountain flying training.
"The mountains provide another element for the crews to contest with. They also provide good training in using the radar in a more challenging environment."
The visiting Australian F-111 aircraft and crews belong to RAAF number 6 Squadron.