Gavlebocken: a dangerous night for xmas goat
Gavlebocken, a dangerous night
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Photo Rose-Marie Forsberg.
The 13 December is Lucia day in Sweden (, of tradition a very dangerous night for Gavlebocken, the Christmasgoat. The students celebrates and sits up all night. And somebody might have a bad idea about burning the goat. May it survive Lucia day! is a complete site about Gavlebocken for all of his fans over the world. The site contains History, Gallery, Fanclub, Webcam, Music, a game and much more. has requested permission to became the official fanclub of Gavlebocken.
In Fans you can find famous persons from Sweden who love their Christmasgoat. For example: Refreshments, Mr M & Radomir, Gert Fylking and a man who builds his own Christmasgoat every year.
A contest about the Christmasgoat and a game where you will be the hero and rescue the Christmasgoat from the bad guys complete the new website.
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Text and photos are free for use. If possible please designate: Photo Rose-Marie Forsberg.