We Count - Fair Elections Conf. - OH Sept 29/30

Published: Sat 9 Sep 2006 09:21 PM
This is What Democracy Looks Like?
Americans are proud of our Democracy! Our founders, and many patriots along the way risked a great deal -- even their lives -- to create a Democratic State, with the Constitution and Bill of Rights as its foundation. They expected their children to protect it.
Do we still have a democracy? Do we REALLY have "representatives" that represent us? Why is there such a disconnect between the will of the people and the decisions of our leaders? For example, "How can we be 'free ' if we cannot choose peace?"
How can we be the "superpower" we claim to be while our republic is rapidly spiraling downward at the hands of people who don't represent us?
Our electoral system--the way we "choose" our leaders-- is badly broken. One key component : electronic voting machines--can completely subvert the will of the people. Numerou s investigations have shown e-voting to be a great threat to democracy. Despite a recent Zogby Poll which states that 92% of citizens don't trust these machines, our "representatives" insist on using them. As disastrous as these devices are for democracy, they are but one flawed component of the broken electoral system. There are many others.
We the people must fix our electoral system, and act to restore democracy, while we still can. Our children expect it of us.
If you are concerned, don't miss this historic event !
We Count - A Conference about Fair Elections and Democracy
Friday, Sept 29th, from 6pm to 10pm (Theater)
Saturday, Sept 30th, from 9am to 9pm (SC10, Theater)
at the
Cuyahoga Community College (Metro Campus), Cleveland, Ohio
(click here for directions)
Performing Artists :
Richard Hayes Phillips, Victoria Parks, Katie Daley, Terrence Provost,
and others.
For more information & pre- registration ( strongly encouraged),
please visit: or call 216-849-7470.
Please forward to friends who are concerned about our democracy !
" We are the people we've been waiting for! " -- June Jordan

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